maandag 19 november 2012

Message from SaLuSa on the Middle East – 16 Nov 2012: Arabic, Hebrew and English

Message from SaLuSa on the Middle East – 16 Nov 2012: Arabic, Hebrew and English

رسالة من سالوسة حول الشرق الأوسط 16 نوفمبر 2012

سالوسة "الأخوة الكرام أعضاء الطاقم، نحن نقترب سريعا من 2013. نهاية العام قادمة بسرعة. مع أخذ ذلك في الاعتبار، العصابة تتسابق لخلق المشاكل قبل صعود الكوكب من اجل الخفض من طاقات اهتزازات الارض بالغضب ، الانتقام، الخوف، الكراهية، والقتل الجماعي. إن العصابة تحاول كل شيء من اجل منع صعود الأرض.

ما نراه الآن في الشرق الأوسط هو نتيجة لتصميمهم على خفض اهتزازات المحبة والسلام، التي تم نشرهم بسرعة كبيرة في جميع أنحاء العالم الأسابيع الماضية.

يجب عدم السماح للمشاعرالسلبية ان تتدفق في قلبك، عليك مراقبة الوضع، ولكن من فضلك لا تسمح لنفسك ان تدفع عواطفك في اتخاذ الجانبين في هذا الصراع.

تذكر أن الصعود يتطلب منك ان تكون لك القدرة على إبعاد نفسك من الأعمال الدرامية التي تتكشف وأن تكون محايدا. هناك الكثير من الكرمة التي يجب حلها للصراع الحديث بين الطرفين.

تذكر أن الصعود يتطلب منك ان تكون لك القدرة على إبعاد نفسك من الأعمال الدرامية التي تتكشف وأن تكون محايدا. هناك الكثير من الكرمة التي يجب حلها للصراع الحديث بين الطرفين.

يتم استخدام الناس لهذه المناطق من قبل العصابة ويتم التلاعب في كراهية العدو الوراثي المصور.

ما وراء الصراع في القدس، هو أبعد بكثيرمما تتخيل و من قبل تواريخ كل الحلقات التاريخية المسجلة رسميا

الصراع من المرجح أن يمتد الى دول الأخرى، الذين لديهم مصالح خفية أيضا في القدس وخاصة في قبة القدس

لا تسمح لنفسك للانتقال إلى وضع الخوف. اعلم أن الطاقة الخاصة بك هائلة وقوة الحب هي أكبر. على الرغم من أن الوضع يبدو سيئا الان من وجهات نظر عديدة، . اعلم أن هذا الأمر خلق وخطط له من قبل العصابة لضمان انتشار الاهتزازات السلبية على سطح الأرض.

من أجل التغلب على التحديات المقبلة، في الأسابيع القليلة المتبقية، سكان الأرض يحتاجون إلى التوحيد والإفاقة من النوم الدي قد هندسة بعناية

الألم والمعاناة الموجودة في منطقة الحرب يجب ان لا تجعلك غيرمبال، وبكل الوسائل. نحن نشجعك أن ترسل المحبة، والدعاء، وتساعد باي طريقة عملية لنهاية الحرب في الشرق الأوسط. ومع ذلك تاكد بان لا تتخذ الجانبين وعدم الحكم على أولئك الذين هم مجرد دمى للعصابة.

نرسل حبنا والنورلكم جميعا كالعادة، وأود أن أؤكد لكم أن لديكم جزء مهم جدا تلعبونه في فصل صعود الأرض الأم النهائي، أعزائي. هذا لا يزال لم يتم اكتشافه من قبل الكثيرين منكم حتى الان

.أنا سالوسة من سيريوس، وأؤكد لكم أننا نراقب حالة كوكبكم، وكذلك التعامل مع الكثير من الخسائر التي تحدث في الوقت الحالي. ومهمتنا، كمعلين حكماء، هي خدمة الإلهية. على الرغم من أننا ندرك أن الطريق الإلهي هو في كثير من الأحيان من الصعب فهمه في مثل هذه الأوقات من طرف النفوس المتجسد

شكرا سالوسا

Channel: Laura / Multidimensional Ocean

Mounir ترجمت: منير

מסר מ- SaLuSa על המזרח התיכון - 16 בנובמבר 2012

SaLuSa : "חברי צוות יקרים, אנו מתקרבים לשנת 2013. השנה מגיעה לסופה במהירות. בהתחשב בעובדה זו, קנונית האופל משתתפת במרוץ כדי לטלטל את הספינה[1] לפני ההתעלות הפלנטרית ולהנמיך את אנרגיות הרטט של כדור הארץ בגין כעס, נקמה, פחד, שנאה ורצח המונים. קנונית האופל תנסה כל דבר כדי לטלטל את הספינה ולמנוע את התעלות כדור הארץ.

מה שאנו רואים עכשיו מתפתח במזרח התיכון הינו תוצאה של החלטתם הנחושה להנמיך את רטטי האהבה והשלום, אשר נעו ברחבי העולם בשבועות האחרונים.

אתם חייבים לא לאפשר את זרימת השליליות לתוך ליבכם, אתם חייבים לבחון את המצב, אבל בבקשה, אל תאפשרו לעצמי שלכם לגרום לכך שרגשותיכם יגררו אתכם לנקוט עמדה בסכסוך זה.

זכרו שההתעלות דורשת שתהיה לכם את היכולת לשמור מרחק מדרמות שמתפתחות ולהיות הוגנים. ישנה קארמה רבה שצריכה להיפתר בין שני הצדדים לסכסוך שהחל לאחרונה.

קנונית האופל השתמשה באנשים הגרים באזורים אלה אשר נוצלו כדי לשנוא את האויב המצטייר כתורשתי.מה שעומד מאחורי הסכסוך בירושלים, הוא הרבה מעבר לאפיזודות היסטוריות כלשהן שנרשמו באופן רשמי שניתן להעלותן על הדעת והתרחשו מראש.

סביר כי העימות יסלים ויגלוש לאומות אחרות, אשר גם להן יש אינטרסים נסתרים בירושלים ובעיקר בכיפת הסלע.

אל תאפשרו לעצמכם להיכנס למצב של פחד. דעו שכוחכם עצום וכוח האהבה אפילו גדול עוד יותר. אף על פי שמנקודות מבט רבות המצב גרוע במיוחד ממש עכשיו, דעו שזה מצב שנוצר ותוכנן על ידי קנונית האופל כדי להבטיח את הפצת הרטטים השליליים על פני שטח כדור הארץ.

על מנת להתגבר על האתגרים שלפניכם, ביתרת השבועות הקרובים, אוכלוסיית כדור הארץ תצטרך להתאחד ולהתעורר מהתנומה שתוכננה בקפידה.

בוודאי שהכאב והסבל של אלה באזור המלחמה לא צריך להשאיר אתכם אדישים. אנו מעודדים אתכם לשלוח מחשבה אוהבת, תפילות וסיוע בכל דרך מעשית כדי לסיים את המלחמה במזרח התיכון. אולם, וודאו שאתם לא נוקטים עמדה ואתם לא שופטים את אלה שמהווים רק בובות(מריונטות) של קנונית האופל.

אנו שולחים לכם את אהבתנו ואת האור שלנו, לכולכם כרגיל, ומבקשים להבטיח לכם, יקיריי, שיש לכם חלק מאוד חשוב לשחק בפרק ההתעלות הסופי של אמא כדור הארץ. עם זאת, זה עדיין לא התגלה על ידי רבים מכם.

אני SaLuSa מסיריוס, מבטיח לכם שאנו ממשיכים לפקח על המצב בפלנטה שלכם, וכן מתמודדים עם האובדן הרב שמתרחש ממש עכשיו. חלקנו במשחק, כמאסטרים נעלים, הוא לשרת את האל. אף על פי כן אנו מבינים שדרך האלוהות היא לעיתים קרובות קשה להבנה בזמנים כמו אלה עבור רבים מהנשמות שהתגלמו.

תודה לך, SaLuSa.

תוקשר על ידי : Laura/Multidimensional Ocean

תורגם על ידי: Gili.

Message from SaLuSa on the Middle East – 16 Nov 2012

SaLuSa: “Dear crew members, we are soon approaching 2013. The year is fast coming to an end. With that in mind, the cabal is racing to make the boat rock before Planetary Ascension and to lower Earth’s energies vibrations in anger, revenge, fear, hate, and mass murders. The cabal will try everything to rock the boat and prevent Earth’s Ascension

What we see now developing in the Middle East is a result of their resolve to lower the loving and peace vibrations, which have been travelling fast around the globe for the past couple of weeks

You must not allow the flow of negativity into your heart, you must observe the situation, but please do not allow your selves to have your emotions pulled into taking sides into this conflict

Remember that Ascension requires for you to have the ability to distance yourself from dramas unfolding and to be impartial. There is much karma to be resolved between both parties of the newly started conflict

The people of these zones are being used by the cabal and are being manipulated into hatred of the portrayed hereditary enemy

What has been behind the conflict in Jerusalem, is far beyond the imaginable and pre-dates any officially recorded historical episodes

The conflict is likely to escalade and spill to other nations, who also have hidden interests in Jerusalem and particularly in the Dome

Do not allow yourselves to go into fear mode. Know that your power is immense and the power of love is even greater. Although the situation looks at its worse right now from so many perspectives, know that this a created and planned situation by the cabal to ensure the spread of negative vibrations on Earth’s surface

In order to overcome the challenges ahead, in the remaining few weeks, the Earth’s population will need to unite and awaken from the slumber it has carefully been engineered

The pain and suffering of those in the war zone should not leave you indifferent, by all means. We do encourage you to send loving thought, prayers, and help any practical way end the war in the Middle East. However ensure that you are not taking sides and are not judging those who are the mere puppets of the cabal

We send our love and light to you all as usual, and wish to assure you that you have a very important part to play in Mother Earth’s final Ascension Chapter, dear ones. This remains to be discovered by many of you yet

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and assure you that we keep monitoring the situation on your planet, as well as dealing with much of the loss taking place right now. Our part to play, as Ascended Masters, is to serve the divine. Although we understand that the divine’s way is often difficult to understand at times like these for many of incarnated souls

Thank you , SaLuSa

Channel: Laura / Multidimensional Ocean

donderdag 25 oktober 2012

Will karma end at any point of time?

Question to Sri Bhagavan.…

"Will karma end at any point of time? I have been told that even an enlightened person will have karma?"

SRI BHAGAVAN: We do not speak of your karma or her karma. There is no individual karma at all. There is only human karma.

You cannot become free of karma totally because it is not your karma and moreover there is no ‘you’ in the first place. I told you the ‘Self’ is only an illusion, it can just disappear. So how could there be your individual karma?

Now, often you find that you are being distracted by various thoughts. Just like we breathe-in oxygen and breathe-out carbon dioxide… we breathe-in thoughts and we breathe-out thoughts. There is the thought sphere, which contains all the thoughts of people who have lived from last eleven thousand years. All their experiences, ideas, views, etc. are stored here. This is called Human karma. This human Karma is flowing through you. Like for example, you are living in the city of Los Angeles that is polluted; you have to breathe-in that polluted air. You cannot escape it or be free of it. So, it is ‘Mans karma’ that is influencing you all the time.

But then, can man be free of all the present karma accumulated in all these thousands of years? Yes, it is possible!

Now, where do you think the thought sphere is stored? These thoughts are stored in the earth’s magnetic field. Whatever has happened in the last eleven thousand years is stored here. I told you about the Schumann resonance (earths heartbeat) which used to be 7.8 cycles per second and has now become 11 cycles per second and if you work it out mathematically, in the year 2012 it is going to be 13 cycles per second and, when this happens, the earth’s magnetic field would vanish or become very, very weak for about three days.

We have the earth’s core which is rotating and that is responsible for generating the magnetic field. The earth itself is passing through what is called the photon belt, which is what is slowing it down. So, it will slow down and probably come to zero when the earth’s resonance is 13 cycles per second and then it will start rotating again, but in the opposite direction.

You ask, "Has this happened before?"

Yes, we have plenty of fossil evidence to show that this has happened almost every eleven thousand years. And more so, almost all the ancient scriptures of the world from India to Tibet, China to South America to Central America, all speak of this phenomenon.

Now, suppose you are programming a computer and there is a power failure of the internal backup battery while being unplugged from the electric source… then the entire program is deleted. That is why you must have the uninterrupted power supply, the U.P.S. Just the same way, when the earths resonance reaches 13 cycles per second there is a kind of power failure and the magnetic field of the earth vanishes and when the magnetic field vanishes the thoughts stored there also would vanish. With all that, all the records of eleven thousand years go away. When this happens, man will become free of karma.

This has happened many times and there are scriptures that speak about this. But for now, even if you are enlightened, you are not going to be free of karma.

Even Krishna, Buddha, The Christ or you must breathe the same air. The only difference is that in their enlightened state, they don’t suffer psychologically as their ‘self’ was dissolved.

But, for the karma to dissolve completely and not come back, a minimum of 64,000 people must have become Awakened (experienced a "Flowering of the Heart") by 2012.

It is only then that a new world would emerge. That is why all of you have to prepare yourselves for your Awakening as quickly as possible. It is very important".

Oneness Daily Messages during Sept, 2012

Oneness Daily Messages during Sept, 2012

01/09/2012 : God is all that is.
02/09/2012: You are a living miracle.
03/09/2012: Be sure there is a problem in the first place before working hard to solve it.
04/09/2012: The human mind cannot live in guilt. Therefore it creates a lie and then goes on repeating the lie     to itself until it believes in it.
05/09/2012: One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of attention and love.
06/09/2012: Thought is measurement.
07/09/2012: 'You' are not thinking but thinking is an automatic process.
08/09/2012: God is where all contradictions co-exist.
09/09/2012: Everything is a happening.
10/09/2012: Inspire your child with great examples but never through the thoughtless act of comparison.
11/09/2012: Ego makes you self-centered.
12/09/2012: The basic function of ego is hurt.
13/09/2012: Don't take decisions when you are insecure.
14/09/2012: Faith amplifies the experience of God.
15/09/2012: Fulfilment is possible only when you help the other.
16/09/2012: You will stop judging others when you stop judging yourself.
17/09/2012: All happiness that you are having now is only conditional but it becomes unconditional when you are awakened.
18/09/2012: Life is a game; play it.
19/09/2012: You need constructive emotions to face a challenge.
20/09/2012: God does not become the many, but appears as the many.
21/09/2012: Thought is divisive in nature
22/09/2012: Past is dead; future is unborn. what is there is only the present.
23/09/2012: You create your life.
24/09/2012: Thoughts are flow of memory. Memory is past. Past is dead.
25/09/2012: Feelings have no resistance.
26/09/2012: The more you discover God, the more will be miracles in your life.
27/09/2012: The art of parenting does not start after the child is born. It starts when you decide to have a child.
28/09/2012: Everything is a process.
29/09/2012: Creation is nothing but consciousness.
30/09/2012: When you die to the past and the future, you come alive. You start living in the present

zondag 3 juni 2012

Teaching: THE AWAKENED ONE Series

These thoughts are expressed by Avatar Sri Bhagavan from Oneness University.
Please contemplate each one as there is great power coming through as you experience each.

To be Awake is not a means to an end.
To be Awake is an end in itself.
The Awakened One responds to circumstances.
The Unawakened one creates circumstance.
The Awakened One is connected to everything.
The Unawakened one is not connected to anything.
The Awakened One is humble.
The Unawakened one practices humility.
The Awakened One experiences only freedom.
The Unawakened one experiences hope and choice.
The Awakened One knows there is nothing to learn, only to unlearn.
The Unawakened one is always wanting to learn the next thing.
The Awakened One does not know or understand, but sees.
The Unawakened one knows and understands, but does not see.
The Awakened One has nothing to defend and therefore does nothing to feel secure.
The Unawakened one has a lot to defend and therefore must do things to feel secure.
The Awakened One is what One is.
The Awakened One knows no fear.
The Awakened One has no cause to feel joy.
The Awakened One journeys without journeying.
The Awakened One knows oneself, and hence has wisdom.
The Awakened One practices nothing, there is nothing to practice.
The Awakened One, acts without doing anything, One is just Awake.
The Awakened One has no conflict with oneself and hence has true power.
The Awakened One experiences everything as consciousness as there is only consciousness.
The Awakened One has no will or illusions.
The Awakened One merely dwells in Reality.
The Awakened One does not try to convince others.
The Awakened One does nothing, but leaves nothing undone.
Awakening experiences do not make an Awakened one.
The Awakened One achieves nothing for there is nothing to achieve.
The Awakened One remains unmoving till perfect action arises by itself.
The Awakened One is free of views and concepts and is One with What Is.
The Awakened One is open to everything and everything falls into place.
The Awakened One does not know or understand, but sees things as they are.
The Awakened One is detached from all things and hence one with everything.
The Awakened One sees all things perfect as they are. Everything is perfect and sacred.



Sri Amma Bhagavan’s vision has always been to liberate humanity totally and unconditionally. As an expression of this passion, Sri Amma Bhagavan wrote many years ago this sutra (meaning: mantra verse) called the Liberation Sutra.
This Sutra you can find recorded and sung by Oneness Being Narasimha Kumarji from the Oneness University’s own Music Studio.
You can also find a deeply meditative version of this Liberation Sutra recorded and sung by Anette in the CD “Presence of Grace”.
Below is a description and explanation of the mantra.

Liberation Sutra:

Moksho Nama jeevasya vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Indriyaanaam vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Ahankaaraat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Manaso vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Gnayatasya bandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Samskruter bandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Samajasya bandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Karmanos bandhaat vimukthihi,
Ithi satyameva Satyam Satyam
Ithi satyameva Satyam Satyam
Ithi satyameva Satyam Satyam

English translation:

Liberation of life
Liberation of the senses
Liberation from the self
Liberation from the mind
Liberation from knowledge
Liberation from conditionings
Liberation from society
Liberation from work

This is the truth.

Liberation of life

Existence’s basic nature is bliss. It includes various qualities such as love, compassion, union and silence. The human mind is full of concepts, ideas, conditionings and different mental structures. Sri Amma Bhagavan says, “When the mind is cleansed of all contamination, the remaining is Life, pure Consciousness or God.” Therefore, Sri Amma Bhagavan defines Awakening or Oneness as “Liberation of Life.”

Liberation of the Senses

Broadly speaking, Awakening is to “experience life”. The ancient, sacred texts defined an enlightened person as someone who had control over their five senses. According to Sri Amma Bhagavan, Awakening is rather to relieve sensory impressions from the mind’s grasp. The mind, with its judgments and comments, meddles in every sensory input and makes everything dead and lifeless. Without involvement of the mind, a sort of declutchment, the human nervous system is capable of experiencing bliss through every sensory input, whether it is sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch. The mind is important part of our existence as long as we are not governed completely by its programming. The person whose senses are liberated therefore goes beyond the mind and experiences life directly through sensory impressions.

Freedom from Self

Ego is the sense of separation. When there is “me” and “the other” fear arises – fear of what the other can do to me. Out of fear is born a fight for survival, comparison, jealousy, hatred, etc. “The self is only a concept,” says Sri Amma Bhagavan. A concept is something that does not really exist in Reality. It is an illusion.

Freedom from the Mind

The usual view of freedom of the mind is the mind stops and you go into a state where there are no thoughts or the mind is transformed and you experience more freedom and peace of mind. The freedom of the mind, Sri Amma Bhagavan speaks of, is none of these. It is the cessation of effort to get rid of or change the mind. Then you are free “with” mind. The mind, with its contents, exists independently from you and help you with the practical things in life, but do not bother you when it comes to the experience of life.

Freedom of Knowledge

When Sri Amma Bhagavan speak of freedom from knowledge, it is freedom from the grasp of knowledge and not the knowledge itself. When knowledge is not transformed into an experience it becomes an obstacle to getting the experience you seek. Knowledge has become an obstacle to experience life and becomes a burden and a prison. Therefore, it must cease.

Freedom from Conditionings

Man has created the ideas of communism, capitalism, gender, nationality, religion etc. for centuries. These ideas and concepts have their own lives and personalities. They use you to survive. They will enter you as an intellectual concept and color every experience in life. Freedom from conditioning does not mean that you have no ideas or concepts, but it is to be free to choose from current experience when it comes to practical decisions in life.

Freedom from Society

In the end, man is bound to the concept of “freedom”. He believes that freedom is achieved by going against the current system or social norms. “Freedom” is essentially an internal state where you no longer are based in fear. Then there is no suffering or opposition to any structure. Freedom is not to rebel against something. There is an inner state of consciousness that has no opposites.

Freedom from Work

Sri Amma Bhagavan differentiates between activity and action. Activity is an escape from an inner, existential emptiness sensation or pain. This is done to achieve a purpose. You are working, traveling, cooking, cleaning, praying, because there is a psychological need behind that need to be satisfied. The action is there as a destination or a purpose on a physical basis, but not psychologically. The experience is an end in itself. It arises from an inner state of joy and freedom. While the Awakened one also works, he/she is free from the suffering of the work.


Oneness Music - Liberation Sutra 

woensdag 9 mei 2012

Invitation to the Galactic Federation to Help Us

Invitation to the Galactic Federation to Help Us

Dear friends, 

We're setting up an action that can be done at the speed of light. 

We know that our world is ruled by corrupt people, who all work together to keep us under control. 

We also know that our world has been visited by benevolent ET species, many of them humanoid, who work together in a huge organization called the Galactic Federation of Light. 

Why don't they help us and free us from this corrupt regime that has so many people suffering and starving to death? 

Well, from what we understand this is for karmic reasons partly, but the main reason is a universal law called "The Law of Non-Interference". This means that a higher civilization cannot just interfere with a lower one, because the natural evolution will be disturbed then. 

This all changes when they are INVITED to come down. Then it's no longer a matter of interfering, it's accepting an invitation. 

Well, today, we're officially inviting them. Not on behalf of our corrupt governments, who know about the ET presence but are covering it up, but on behalf of ourselves, as sovereign human beings. 

Anyone who is awake, and has evolved spiritually, knows that when you send out a thought, it always reaches its destiny. This is how telepathic communication works, for instance, or prayers. We all have this capability, and today, we're gonna use it. 

What we will do, is only one thing. Send out this thought, or something like it, in your own words: 

"Dear members of the Galactic Federation, and all higher beings who would like to help us, but cannot do so because of certain universal laws. Please help us. We are INVITING you to. On behalf of myself as a sovereign human being, living on planet Earth, I ask you to come down and help us. We know you have been monitoring and visiting us for ages. We know you have technology that could solve our biggest problems, like hunger, pollution and wars, almost in the blink of an eye. But you felt restricted to help us openly, because of universal laws and our "official" representatives, our corrupt governments, not cooperating with you any time you offered your help. Today, we call it ENOUGH. These corrupt governments are NOT representing us. We are representing ourselves and we're asking you to help us. There has been enough suffering on this planet, we want it to end. Please come down and help us. We will welcome you with open arms, and a loving heart." 

That's all you need to do. 

When you're done, spread this message as far and wide as you can. Anyone in your environment who you think might be open to this, needs to be invited to join. Spread it through your Facebook pages, your e-mail address books, newsletters, anyway you can. You can be sure that your invitation reaches our galactic friends and when they see the scale on which it happens, they have no other option than to see this as an official invitation from mankind.

It's just a matter of numbers. If 200 world governments say "NO, no, no" to them, but behind them, hundreds of thousands of world citizens are shouting "YES! YES! YES!", who are they gonna regard as representing mankind? Surely, it's us. Today, we make it happen. TOGETHER! Please go ahead and add your voice. 


woensdag 2 mei 2012

Kondalini Fire

It's a feeling unlike any other.  Many of  those who have experienced it have been fascinated and terrified all at the same time.  The sensation often begins as a sudden surge of energy that starts at the base of the spine and rapidly moves upward, giving an individual the clear experience of being plugged into the wall and lit up like a Christmas tree.  

The rise of "Kundalini Energy" is as ancient as history itself.  It is also called "The Serpentine Fire" as it makes its way up the spinal canal (also called the sushumna) in an alternating spiral that would resemble a pair of intertwining snakes if it were seen clearly for any length of time.  

Ageless symbols of healing speak louder about this energy than any description I could give.  We see the rise of the Kundalini portrayed very aptly in the design of the Staff of Hermes, also known as the Caduceus.   The modern medical profession has adopted this symbol as their standard---two snakes intertwined around a pole that is lifted high for all to see.
The power that comes through the lower part of the body is what energy healers call "Earth Energy."  It is the primal self, the physical self, as it connects to the elements: the tides, the winds, the animals, the soil, and the very rhythm of life upon our planet.
The human body is, quite literally, designed to be a *channel* for this energy.  In a sense, each of us is a fragment of the total Planetary Soul which is reaching towards the sky.  This process of reaching, however, is not without its perils or its fears.  Since time began, there has been a certain sense of dread and apprehension about our connections with what's "up there."  As we work, as we play, we also *wonder.*  We reach for the heavens, but we also shrink back at the same time.  

From the moment the body begins to move on its own, the muscular and nervous system begin to compensate for this conflict between curiosity and fear.  A child begins to run with complete trust and abandon. He reaches for everything, and nearly drives his parents crazy!  However, there are those times when his reaching produces painful results instead of pleasant ones.  Perhaps his hand inadvertently touches a flame, or maybe a careless turn causes him to take a nasty tumble that breaks an arm or bruises a leg.
When the child encounters difficulty as a result of his exploration, he can learn to respond in a number of ways.  Certainly, he can choose to shrink back and never explore again. Many people have learned to become very passive because of some trauma they suffered within their early childhood.  On the other hand, resistance or hardship encountered in his exploration can make a child become very *determined* as well.  Like a caterpillar pushing its way out of a cocoon, many children learn to become tenacious about getting what they want and doing whatever they desire, no matter what the consequences!     

The balance between determination and hesitancy sets a "tone" in the life of each person.  Each of us exists as a crystallization of matter which portrays this tug-o-war between two opposing forces.  Some of us embody complete courage and almost foolhardy bravado.  Others represent the other end of the spectrum, rarely leaving our houses for fear that something awful will happen to us.  Most, however, exist somewhere in between.

When a soul transitions into the Reconnection Universe, the context of reality where Oneness resides, he brings with him all of the lessons that have been learned within his Soul Group across the ages.  He has, at that point, explored every nook and cranny of creation  that he cares to, and he is now willing and ready to move out of polarity and return to the state of total Oneness.
When a person's physical and emotional body--during a specific time of meditation, repose, or focused repetitive action--suddenly releases all cares and concerns about "stuff" in his life involving polarization and conflict, that body experiences a remarkable energy shift.  It drops all of its compensations and energy blockages and becomes the channel for spirit that many of us have always wanted it to be.  In that moment, the Soul of the Earth merges with that individual and sends a tone upward from the base of the spine towards the top of his head (which is also referred to as the "crown chakra.")
The tone of this planet is distinctive, just as the tone which is sent out from a computer modem can be identified by those machines which are designed to receive its messages and form a network of communication.  In a real sense, the Kundalini Rising is a kind of "handshake tone" that is sent up from a soul that has prepared itself (perhaps for many lifetimes) to become open to secret knowledge and to truly experience the rest of All That Is.     

When this tone moves through the "crown chakra" and out into the cosmos, a correspondent tone hears it and answers back.  The recent movie "Contact" is a wonderful portrayal of how all of this works.  In the movie, a scientist (portrayed by Jodie Foster) spends her life listening for responses to messages that have been sent from Earth into outer space, hoping for evidence that would provide signs of life "elsewhere."  

Truly it is *we* who dwell upon this planet that are the best signs of life elsewhere.  In the opening verse of the eleventh chapter of the Book of Hebrews, in the New Testament, the writer says that:  "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  If this be true, then the very fact that scientists and philosophers look up into the heavens, hoping for signs of visitors from other dimensions, is the best "evidence" that they are surely there!
Answering the question of whether or not we see them or talk with them (the alien visitors, that is) is not predicated upon whether or not they are *there.*  After all, in the Multiverse, *everything is there.* 
The Reconnections tell us that if we can visualize or theorize about something, then it *has to be* real........somewhere.  If it weren't, we wouldn't be thinking about it.  This principle is as true for an actual Father God and a Mother Goddess, as it is for Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or for the Devil.  

The Kundalini Rise, therefore, is a sign and a signal to the rest of All That Is that we have reached a place of *neutrality* about all the strange and wonderful things that can and do exist.  We have made peace with the incredible diversity of the Multiverse, and we are ready to *play!*   At that point, the Oneness begins downloading huge amounts of *complimentary shareware* onto the hard drive of our subconscious.  This is in preparation for the time when we will actually be able to *log on* to the Inner Net and explore throughout the Multiverse.
Have you been experiencing a strange "humming" or "buzzing" sound in your ears of late?  That, I am told, is the download as it is occurring.  It may be a bit irritating or distracting, but it has a purpose.  And, when the process is complete, we will all be very grateful that we contacted Data Central to get our personal files updated!


There are some who live on Planet Earth who are currently experiencing a crisis of spiritual growth.  Many are not able to achieve the state of neutrality that is mentioned above.  They enter an Energy Gate (known as a Trans-Portal), and they begin to move into a whole new reality.  However, instead of letting go, and moving quickly into transformation--they hold a part of themselves back.  This produces a whole host of diseases, which are currently being classified and dealt with by the medical establishment.  

I once heard a gifted channel say:  "If you can't learn to follow your spirit without hesitation, then you'll eventually end up following your hesitation without spirit."  

I have spoken at length about the symptoms of spiritually-based dis-ease in my articles dealing with "Global Acceleration Syndrome" .   The Guides now add some new information, dealing specifically with conditions arising from rapid and unpredicted Kundalini Rise.  There are many who are reporting extreme weakness, almost as though the life force is being drained from their body.  Some have even contemplated suicide, reporting that they feel there is no further reason for them to live. 

In order to live in 3D, we each have to adopt a unique energy "signature," which vibrates according to a certain "stance" or energy attitude.  This signature represents a "position" that we take, concerning how we see the planet, ourselves, and life in general.  For every polarity configuration (duality dance), we set the "dial" of our consciousness to reflect our attitude towards that subject.  It is as though our soul becomes a huge equalizer, like we might find on a stereo sound system, with bass tones,  treble tones, and many tones in between.    

When Kundalini is activated, a vortex begins to spin--moving upward through each chakra of the body.  This energy--which I sometimes call "The Inquisitor"-- will challenge and thoroughly examine each of the "settings" on that Attitudinal Equalizer, to see if they truly fit the essence of who and what a person is. In a sense, it is like death and rebirth, all rolled into one vibratory flow.  And it can happy very, very quickly. 


When "The Inquisitor" begins to move, everything comes alive. There is a quickening that occurs, in all parts of a person's body and soul.  Shadows are illumined, and covert motives may be revealed. This is not just a mental process. It is a bio-energetic one--dealing with all aspects of human personality at the same time. That is why the movement can be so rapid.  

If a Kundalini Rise brings great insight and opens up fresh desire, there may be a sudden and unexpected change in a person's behavior and/or lifestyle.  If, instead, it mandates some life change that it totally unacceptable to a person's core self---the resulting backlash can blow the circuits of his or her nervous system. 

The Reconnections tell us that a huge percentage of depression and fatigue cases that exist in the world today are the result of Kundalini Activations that were suddenly aborted, due to system incompatibility and energy overload.  A certain energy comes knocking, an inner door will slam, and the whole internal power grid goes dark.  (For more info on this, see the Recon Transmission called "Conscious Creation" )

Each time "The Inquisitor" comes, there is a new confrontation of opposites. What once was is continually being challenged by what now wants to be.  The Guides recently spoke with one woman about her experiences of extreme malaise and feelings of despondency.  They told her:  

"What you perceive as life force, ebbing from your body, is really the last remnant of a resistance factor that has been present within your family line for generations.  It has been built into your character in a number of ways, some of which are still hidden from your view.  You might say that what you are feeling (as disease) was downloaded into you, as a virus is injected into a laboratory animal, so that observations can be drawn about its effects (virulence) in the presence of gradually increasing vibratory frequencies.  

You must not separate yourself, the patient, from the other parts of you that are the researchers and students of this grand experiment.  You are ALL ONE in this process--neither a victim, nor a perpetrator.  You are all of it.  At your core, there is a desire to KNOW (gnosis) above all other things.  The efforts and pains, however pervasive they seem, are considered of small consequence to the deep inner desire you have to KNOW, and UNDERSTAND what humanity is now facing.  You wish this knowledge to be personal, intense, graphic, and very real." 


A good deal of the Kundalini Activations that are happening on the planet at this time involve moving a person away from a hyper-masculine (overly rational) orientation to life, and re-installing a respect for emotion, intuition, and the nurturing of self.  In other words, they are busy about the task of giving "type A" personalities a kick in the backside to move them more into the "being" part of themselves, rather than doing, doing, doing all of the time.  

But in the case illustrated above, the exact opposite was true.  Upon examining the root vibration of this person's character, it was discovered that she is tenaciously clinging to her upset emotions and distressed feelings as a deflection away from an intellectual giftedness which could, under the right circumstances, blossom into personal genius.  The Guides continue:  

"The arousal of that certain element known as "Kundalini", in essence, an awakening of a part of the brain and nervous system that is most denied within the life of that particular 3D human.  It is this element which the body interprets as "disease."  It is a decision that has been made, a portal that has been entered, which produces certain effects.  If a person moves easily through the portal, the effects of the dis-ease are minimal.  However, if a soul lingers....hesitates....the effects can be excruciating.  

For those who have been trained (for many generations) to deny their innate intelligence, a Kundalini Rise could mean an opening into a deeply intellectual part of themselves that connects directly into the global brain, and hence into the Collective Unconscious. These folks are not afraid of deep feeling. For them, intense emotions are a haven.........a distraction away from what lies buried deep within.  

Many family lines have noticed this giftedness (transcendent, focused thought) for several generations........but have blocked access to it because of an innate fear of madness.  The madness of which we speak would not be a hysterical craziness--but cold, calculating, and detached Dr. Frankenstein might have, as he assembles his monster from body parts, found in a cemetery.  Not a romantic picture, eh?  And it is this picture (seen on a subconscious level) that has predisposed your ancestors to lock up these gifts..........and keep them hidden from view, lest you all revert to something that they intuitively felt would be shameful and excessive...........and, most of all.........INHUMAN."   <snip>

DJ:  I believe it was Marianne Williamson who said:  "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us."  

Humanity's current collection of rattled emotions, physical symptoms, and runaway feelings are a distraction away from who many of us really are.  But they are safe, and in a strange and unusual way.........they feel "normal" to us........familiar.  The Guides continue:


"The dormant traits that lie hidden in your internal strong box shall not turn you into Dr. Frankenstein.  Far from it!  The fears and anxieties that once persuaded your ancestors to push these gifts of intellect away sprang from an inadequate view of their ultimate power and purpose. They made a judgment call, about your collective soul essence--afraid of what you would become if your genius were to be born out of season.  

Now is your season.  Now is the time of your (collective) soul's awakening.  Before now, and before would have been too soon.  Now is your time of Spiritual Emergence.  Do not be afraid.  The Guardian Spirit will protect you!  Move forward!  Move on into your rightful place, as Conscious Creator and Steward of your domain!   

Your frequent impulses to do away with yourself are knee-jerk reactions that spring from an ancient fear that, if this unbridled intellect were allowed to escape and become realized--the being you would become might pose a threat to all those around you, whom you love and cherish.  But it will not!  It will blend with them, and adapt to those an E.T. who has come to Earth to assist humanity during this fateful opening into fullness of life and purpose.  This is also true of the gloom and doom prophecies that now hang over the heads of collective humanity.  They are nothing more than a suicide threat that is being offered by the whole of the human race!   

The "foggy battling" that many of you are experiencing is the last bastion of resistance before the GLOBAL BRAIN awakens.  Enjoy this time of hesitation.  When it is past, a new dawn awaits!  Others who have come before you were lost through their needs to suppress this marvelous faculty of perception and reasoning.  Their lives, which were voluntarily terminated with perfect intention and resolve, were kindling for a bonfire of realization that is soon to spread over the whole of Planet Earth.  They are not gone, nor was their sacrifice wasted.  

maandag 2 april 2012

Chakra's ?

Chakra Seven: Sahasrara
Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge
This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.

Chakra Six: Ajna
Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection
This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us “see the big picture.”

Chakra Five: Vishuddha
Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression
This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language.

Chakra Four: Anahata
Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance
This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.

Chakra Three: Manipura
Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition
This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.

Chakra Two: Svadhisthana
Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification
The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.

Chakra One: Muladhara
Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation
Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.

Kundalini, your way to awekening

Kundalini is described as a sleeping, dormant potential force in the human organism. It is one of the components of an esoteric description of the subtle body, which consists of nadis (energy channels), chakras (psychic centres), prana (subtle energy), and bindu (drops of essence).
Kundalini is described as being coiled up at the base of the spine, usually within muladhara chakra. The image given is that of a serpent coiled three and a half times around a smokey grey lingam. Each coil is said to represent one of the three gunas, with the half coil signifying transcendence.
Through meditation, and various esoteric practices, such as Kundalini Yoga, Sahaja Yoga, and Kriya Yoga, the kundalini is awakened, and can rise up through the central nadi, called sushumna, that rises up inside or alongside the spine. The progress of kundalini through the different chakras leads to different levels of awakening and mystical experience, until the kundalini finally reaches the top of the head, Sahasrara chakra, producing an extremely profound mystical experience that is said to be indescribable.
The kundalini rises from muladhara chakra up a subtle channel at the base of the spine (called Sushumna), and from there to top of the head merging with the sahasrara, or crown chakra. When kundalini Shakti is conceived as a goddess, then, when it rises to the head, it unites itself with the Supreme Being (Lord Shiva). Then the aspirant becomes engrossed in deep meditation and infinite bliss.

The arousing of kundalini is said by some to be the one and only way of attaining Divine Wisdom. Self-Realization is said to be equivalent to Divine Wisdom or Gnosis or what amounts to the same thing: self-knowledge. The awakening of the kundalini shows itself as "awakening of inner knowledge" and brings with itself "pure joy, pure knowledge and pure love."

The most easy and quick way to the kundalini  awakening is the blessing  Deeksha (also called Oneness Blessing) is a transfer of divine, intelligent energy.

Teaching: Socrates

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing "

All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and 
divine "

An honest man is always a child " 

" Beware the barrenness of a busy life "

" Death may be the greatest of all human blessings "

" Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for "