donderdag 19 december 2013

Message from the Arcturians: Choosing Conscious Creation – Part 2. Channelled by Suzanne Lie.

Message from the Arcturians: Choosing Conscious Creation – Part 2. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. December 16, 2013.
(Today I woke up with this message inside saying, “Transmuting Emotion.” Since I try to follow up all higher-dimensional inner messages I grabbed my iPad and translated this message from the Arcturians.)
Dear Ones,
Since you perceive and communicate with the higher dimensions of reality through the language of emotion it is important that you gain some mastery over your emotional body. We say “emotional body” because emotions are perceived with your entire physical form. Often you may not be able to put them into words, but it is immediately evident if your emotions are based on Love or fear.
Placing Your Attention
Just as the placement of your attention denotes the communications that you choose to have in your physical world, the attention on your ongoing emotions denotes the communications that you are choosing to have in your higher realities. Emotions are the best indication for your state of consciousness, and you can only communicate with the higher worlds while in a fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness.
Since consciousness and perception are interconnected, if your consciousness is calibrated to the physical world, you will communicate and interact only with the physical world. Then, when you sleep, meditate or dream you have the ability to communicate with the fourth dimensional Astral World. There are many sub-planes within the 4D astral world. The fourth dimensional sub-plane with which you can communicate is again determined by the frequency of your emotion/consciousness.
Unconditional Love is the highest frequency of emotion, yet it is much more than an emotion. Unconditional Love is the highest frequency of Light. However, all emotion is Light because everything is Light. In the third dimension the Light is buried deep in the illusion of matter, and in the fourth dimension Light radiates slightly beyond the illusion of matter.
Consciousness and Emotion
In the fifth dimension and beyond there is NO illusion of matter and ALL these higher realities are expressed via Light images that correspond to the frequency of Light on that dimension. The frequency of Light/reality that you perceive is determined by your state of consciousness, and your state of consciousness is largely determined by your emotions.
The emotion of fear lowers your state of consciousness, whereas the emotion of Love expands your consciousness. In this manner, your emotional body greatly determines your state of consciousness. Furthermore, your consciousness and perceptions are intertwined, as you can only perceive the reality to which your consciousness is calibrated.
Hence, if you have loving emotions you perceive the higher frequencies of your physical reality, but when your emotions are fearful you perceive the underbelly of the physical world. The reality you perceive is the reality with which you communicate. Then, once you communicate with that reality you become involved and “live” that reality.
Do you understand now how the emotions that you hold direct your attention, your communications and the actual reality that you experience as your life? Fortunately, when you love what you do, you become increasing creative, which expands your consciousness into the alpha wave consciousness of the higher fourth dimension.
Conversely, when you dislike what you do, but keep doing it because you are afraid to change, your consciousness lowers into beta wave consciousness, and you only perceive your physical life. Thus, it is important that you fill your life with whatever feels creative to you, as creativity expands your consciousness and gives you a loving feeling.
What You DO
Therefore, what you DO in your life has a huge influence on your emotions and, thus, on your state of consciousness. More and more our Awakening Ones are deciding to take control of their life by making whatever life alterations are necessary to ensure a degree of creativity in their job. They have also been supplementing their life by doing that which they perceive as creative in their time away from work.
These choices greatly transmute baseline emotions from the fear-based emotions of “I must – even though I hate doing it,” into “I am so happy because I love what I am doing.” If you love what you are doing, your consciousness expands into the higher fourth dimension, and you can more easily tap into your innate creativity and higher states of consciousness.
Creating a life based on creativity and Love expands your consciousness into the fifth dimension in which you can more easily communicate with your higher expressions of Self. This communication will assist you to transmute your fearful emotions into loving emotions. The fifth dimension is the baseline of your Multidimensional Self, as your 3D physical and 4D astral bodies are logged into the 3D Game.
When you are communing with your Self, you are connecting with your higher expression of Self who chose to log in to the 3D Video Game. As this relationship with your higher expression Self grows, you will begin to realize that you are not your physical form. Instead you will realize that you are wearing your Earth vessel. It is then that you will begin to realize that YOU are not your body.
The manner that you can best commune with the Multidimensional inner YOU who is wearing your body is via the language of emotion. This inner YOU resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond, which is not based on the separation of your physical world. Therefore, these higher worlds do not have separate words put into separate sentences that are said by separate persons.
5D and Beyond
The fifth dimension and beyond is based on Unity with all life, and is free of time and space. Therefore, when you commune with the higher worlds, you do not hear separate words. Instead of hearing a separate person say “hello,” you feel the emotional message of Love, joy and camaraderie.
When your consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension, you can receive the feeling of Unconditional Love and you will hopefully direct your attention toward the source of that feeling. However, because you are accustomed to only communicating via 3D language, at first you may experience this feeling, but not perceive it as a greeting.
In that case, you may ignore this feeling because you are involved in your busy day, or believe that you cannot stop what you are doing and surrender into this feeling. Fortunately, once you habitually respond to these higher dimensional greetings, you begin to realize that there is a message embedded within that feeling.
Initially, you can only receive this message while your consciousness is calibrated to your higher dimensional theta wave consciousness. However, as you continue to choose to respond to this Multidimensional greeting and calibrate your attention toward that feeling, you will want to remain tuned into that “channel” in order to receive more of these inner messages.
Relationship With Your Self
Once you develop a relationship with your Higher Self, you move into the stage in which you learn/remember how to translate these Light packages delivered via Unconditional Love. This translation can only occur when you are attuned to your higher states of consciousness.
If your consciousness is calibrated to the fear-based emotions of fear, anger, sorrow, guilt, etc. your consciousness will be too low to receive and/or resonate to these higher dimensional messages. Because third dimensional life can be very challenging, it is easy to walk around in a state of fear-based emotions and not even notice it.
However, if you create the habit of taking a second to check in with your emotional state, you may be surprised how often the “habit of fear” predominates over the “habit of Love.” Once you remember to recognize when you have fallen into a fear-based emotion, you can transmute your fear-based emotions by sending yourself Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness and Unconditional Acceptance.
Of course, your emotions respond to your thoughts, so fear-based thinking creates fear-based emotions. This habit of fearful thinking traps you in a third dimensional state of consciousness, which traps you in the third dimension. Making the appropriate changes in your life will not occur while your emotions are spiraling deeper and deeper into fear, anger, victimization and sorrow.
Fifth Dimensional NOW
Fortunately, the Love-based messages from your higher expressions of Self are constantly being sent to you via the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, as soon as you can remember to:
  • Recognize your fear
  • Transmute it into Love
  • And remain entrained with your Higher Self
your consciousness expands beyond the third-dimensional illusions of time and into the NOW of the higher worlds.
Once your consciousness is calibrated to the NOW, your attention is focused on the loving feeling from your higher expressions of Self, rather than the fearful communications of the physical reality. At first, you may only be seeking the inner comfort of Unconditional Love. However, as you continue to look inside for the love you need, and DO find it, you will want to fully understand these important messages.
Since you realize that these messages are instructions from your Self to our Self, you will want to translate this message in a manner that best suits your mission for this incarnation. Thus, some of you will translate these messages via words, some via pictures, music, movement, gardening or myriad other fashions.
You may think that you are “just getting more creative,” which is true, but you are also translating your inner higher dimensional messages from Self. If you remain consistent with this experience, you will begin to develop a deep intimacy with your higher Self.
It is this intimacy with your Self that will lead you back home to fifth-dimensional Earth. However, you must keep your “channel Home” open by transmuting your fear to Love. You can transmute these emotions by calling in the Violet Fire by saying,
Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire
Transmuting ALL shadow
Into Light, Light, Light.
The difficult challenge is to remember to release the unconscious habit of living in drudgery and fear-based emotion so that you can consciously and constantly be aware of your emotions.
You are usually aware of your appearance, but your emotions, and the thoughts that have created your appearance are often hidden in the realms of your unconscious mind. Hence, you may complain, “Why don’t I see the higher words?,” while you are totally unaware of the fear-based emotions that are lowering your consciousness. With this lower state of consciousness, the constant loving call from your Self is just below the threshold of your perceptions.
If you are focused on the drudgery of the physical world, you will not be calibrated to receive the Love and Light of the higher worlds. This calibration is done at the level of your daily emotions. YOU are the creator of your reality and the frequency of your reality is based on the emotions that YOU allow to remain in your consciousness.
If you spilled coffee on your new, white couch, wouldn’t you instantly run to clean it up? However, when you “spill” fear, worry, doubt, anger or sorrow on your new white Lightbody, how long do you allow these fear-based emotions to remain in your consciousness?
Do you leave your dirty dishes lying around the house, or do you clear them and wash them in the kitchen? How often to you leave your fear-based emotions lying around your aura, and how often do you transmute them by taking them into the Violet Fire?
Allow yourself to use these simple explanations for clearing fear. Fear is not just your enemy. Fear is your choice. Listen briefly to fear’s message, in case it is a necessary warning. If it is a warning, say thank you, and take care of the issue. If it is not a necessary warning, bask it in the Violet Fire to transmute it into Love.
By refusing to live a reality based on fear,
You choose to create a reality based on Love.

Message from the Arcturians via Suzanne Lie – Choosing Conscious Creation Part 1

Message from the Arcturians – Choosing Conscious Creation. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. December 14, 2013.
Our Ones, We are the Arcturians,
Many of you are having the “feeling” that something is about to happen. We want to share with you all that that “something” is already happening. You see, what you are feeling via your fifth dimensional language is happening in the NOW. The NOW is always available to you. All you need do is raise your consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond. Then you will consciously experience what you are feeling via your increasingly activating Lightbody.
While you are logged into the 3D Game you wear an Earth vessel, but once your consciousness enters the fifth dimension you wear a Lightbody. Your Earth vessel is so accustomed to perceiving reality as having hard edges with spaces in-between that you think your Lightbody’s reality of interconnected images of wavering Light is “just your imagination.”
You are correct in that it is your imagination because imagination is fifth dimensional thought. Thus, it is not just your imagination that you are experiencing but fifth dimensional communication. You are receiving this fifth dimensional communication because your consciousness – and hence your perception –  have moved beyond the limitations of the third dimension and into the fifth.
The feelings, thoughts and perceptions of the fifth dimension fill your mind with the great power of imagination and your heart with Unconditional Love. You will know when you have morphed into the fifth dimension because you will feel bliss and Unconditional Love. You will, also, know when you have returned to the 3D because you will experience time, work, anxiety, depression and conditional love.
When you appear to be just third dimensional but are filled with a great creative force, joy, and love, your consciousness is likely resonating to the fourth dimension. Once your consciousness returns to the third dimension, you may have the experience of “coming down” from a wonderful experience.
We say this to you not to say that the third dimension is not enjoyable, but to tell you that usually when the third dimension is enjoyable it is because your consciousness has expanded into the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension. The truth is that a great percentage of Gaia’s Earth is NOW resonating to the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension.
Therefore, Gaia is returning to Her Multidimensional expression along with many of Her inhabitants. Of course, there are still many who suffer, who are poor, who do not have enough food or adequate assistance. Hence, it is important that the Awakening Ones pull their fourth and fifth dimensional experiences into the Core of Earth. Once in the core, your gift of Unconditional Love and bliss can be shared with every area of the world.
What is “happening” in your NOW is that inter-dimensional communications are becoming more and more common. People are realizing that they do NOT deserve to live in poverty or domination and they are standing up for themselves. Also, more and more “hidden patents” will soon be released which will greatly alter your everyday life.
Meanwhile, the few who have ruled the many are either waking up or losing their power. The third-dimensional concept of “power over others” is quickly being replaced by the fifth dimensional concept of “power within your Self.” Thus, those who have been downtrodden are beginning to look up into the Light.
They are choosing to look up in dignity rather than look down in subservience because they, too, are feeling that something is happening. They do not know what that “something” is, but some how it is giving them HOPE. Hope than leads to courage and courage leads to a higher self-esteem.
Once the self-esteem is healed, those who felt they had to accept that which was unfair and dominating will begin to realize that they DO have a choice. The Light that is filling their consciousness more each day whispers to their heart, “If you serve the Light, it will protect you from the fear.”
What is happening is that people are realizing that they actually have a choice! This concept of choosing the life you wish to create is beginning to hit critical mass. Then, those who have lost all hope will begin to raise their heads in dignity and honor to find their power within. Once their inner power is discovered, the Light of Ascension is ignited in their hearts and they will insist on fairness for all.
This insistence on fairness is growing everyday. Country after country is beginning to shed the shackles of domination to stand up for themselves and for those that they love. The few can only rule the many when the many are brainwashed and have lost their hope.
This Ray of HOPE is spreading across your globe. Meanwhile, more and more Awakened Ones who have enough money, enough food and enough liberty are preparing themselves to CARRY the beacon of HOPE for those who are starting to find their power within.
We see that there are two ways in which the many can be being controlled by the few. One way is that those who have so little believe they have no options. The other way is that those who have so much become attached to their possessions and become the slave of that which they “own.” We wish you to know that there is NO poverty and NO possessions on New Earth. If you need something, you manifest it with your Heart/Mind.
You think the thought of what you believe you need and fill that thought with Unconditional Love. As long that that “need” is forefront in your consciousness you will continue to think of it and love it unconditionally. However, once you no longer need it, it disappears from your reality because you are no longer in the active process of thinking about and loving it.
You don’t possess anything on fifth dimensional Earth because what you have created only remains manifest for as long as you are thinking about it and loving it. Also, there is no “want” on New Earth because if you desire something, all you need “do” is create it with your Heart/Mind.
Those who have become lost in their possessions may have a more difficult challenge resonating to the frequency of New Earth than those who have been living in poverty. With few possessions, bonding and love is sought, not in things, but in people, nature, animals and in Spirit. If possessions are lost, there is less of a feeling of grief as they usually have so few.
On the other hand, those who have measured their success and power by having possessions will find it difficult to release their “stuff.” If they are able to expand their consciousness into the fifth dimension, they will soon realize that if they have a fearful thought of losing their belongings their consciousness will drop and they will “fall out” of the fifth dimension and return to the physical world.
We want to say to all of you who think you are alone, please look inside your Self. There are myriad realities within you that you can visit with your Heart/Mind. Through these visits you will begin to remember that YOU create your reality with your every thought and every emotion.
Hence if you think, “This is going to be a bad day,” and you fill that thought with anxiety and regret, you will create a bad day. On the other hand, if you think, “Today I will create a wonderful, love filled day,” you will create a wonderful, love filled day.
If you say, “I am so sick of the 3D. When is New Earth finally going to happen,” and fuel that thought with the feeling of victimization and anger, your consciousness will drop, and you will successfully push away your experience of New Earth. You have the choice with your every thought and emotion to decide what reality you will create. You are NOT limited to your 3D Earth vessel or to the situations, which “happen” to you. YOU are the CREATOR of your reality.
Please remember that many of these choices were made before you took this body. For example, many of the poor, downtrodden, starving will be the first to become fifth dimensional because they have nothing to lose, which is why they chose that reality. There are many Earth religions that are based on poverty, suffering and denying the physical to find the core of Spirit in all life.
We know that this information is not new. In fact, it has been spoken, written, sung, drawn and danced since the first realities on Gaia’s body. However, your third dimensional memory forgets all that you have learned and experienced in your myriad “past, parallel and alternate” incarnations on 3D Earth.
Can you remember NOW what you have always known? The choice is yours, but you must consciously make that choice. If you want to be the creator of your life, you must take full responsibly for everything that YOU have created. It is this degree of responsibility, as well as total discipline of your thoughts and emotions, that creates your inner energetic pathway to New Earth.
This inner path is created by your thoughts and emotions. Every thought and every emotion can be a portal into New Earth or force you deeper into the illuisons of the third dimension. When you fall into fear, you will walk a path of fear. When you remember Love, you will walk a path of Love. Which path will you choose and what reality will you consciously create?


donderdag 5 december 2013

COMET ISON is an Intergalactic Mothership and A Gift from Source Creator

Pleiadian Council, Archangel Michael, and Source Creator via Goldenlight: COMET ISON is an Intergalactic Mothership and A Gift from Source Creator.

Your world is going to forever change as our intergalactic societies intersect. This beautiful starship exists to bring together and form the new intergalactic societies between earth and the star nations represented on this intergalactic ship.
Greetings we are the Pleaidian Council and Archangel Michael and we wish to speak to you tonight of our large intergalactic mothership in your sky which is being referred to as COMET ISON, but is indeed one our our largest motherships as has been spoken of in other messages recently.
The reason this “comet” has been apparently “disappearing”, “disintegrating”, or otherwise vanishing or changing is because we have the ability to change the form of our ship at will. We can appear as a comet, many stars, a planet, or any other type of apparition/hologram that we wish. The reason we have chosen the form of a comet is so that the people of planet earth would take notice of our ship for indeed we are crossing the threshold of the time when our intergalactic relations are beginning to form…first in your minds, hearts, and awareness, then in individual visitations, then on a larger scale as your awareness, consciousness, vibration, and frequency continue to raise as your civilization on earth enters into the Golden Age.
This Golden Age on Earth is a time when you have open intergalactic relations with many benevolent star nations such as us from the Pleiades, the Andromedans, the Sirians, the Orions, the Venusians, the Felines, and many other star races. This will happen on a slowly accelerating basis, not in a large crash or boom that would terrify your people. Everything that we of the Pleiades and the other benevolent star systems aboard our ship do is soft, gentle, loving, compassionate, and we act out of all the higher qualities of love…higher dimensional qualities which we have embraced fully into our beings. There are no malevolent beings in our society, nor in the societies of the other star nations who are aboard this intergalactic mothership.
This mothership is one of the ships on which we have blended our intergalactic societies. We are made up of many different star nations, all living harmoniously together in a higher vibrational atmosphere of love, cooperation, unity consciousness, and most importantly with great care, love and concern for the birthing of Mother Earth/Gaia and her inhabitants into the new Golden Age on Earth. Your planet is the catalyst in a “domino effect” that will effect all other planets, galaxies, and universes in the multi-verse; the ascension of Gaia and her inhabitants to higher dimensional levels is setting off a chain reaction in the multiverse wherein all other planets, star systems, galaxies, beings are being upgraded a level or two. This is indeed occurring now on your planet. Beings are beginning to wake up, many have already achieved a higher level of consciousness and vibration and we of the Pleiades and other star systems are aware of your tremendous growth.
We are glad, too, that there are those that can bring in the messages of truth that we are a mothership. For indeed we are. Our intergalactic ship has a consciousness that responds to a council and commander that steers the ship. As mentioned, we can change the form of our ship at any time. We have sometimes shown ourselves as a ship so that you would learn the truth. It is a fine line we must walk on during this time as we cannot show ourselves fully as it is not completely safe to do so. There are still those in your civilization who would hide the truth from the general population. So, we bring you the truth slowly so that all may wake up to it. This is the way it has always been done. We practice the law of non-interference unless there is something that would threaten your planet such as nuclear weapons which we have diffused many times.
Yet we come into a “time” in your dimension wherein you are raising your frequencies and awareness to the point where they begin to intersect ours and we are going to meet you somewhere in between the two “worlds” or dimensions. We wish for the awareness of our existence to be known now, and the awareness of the existence of this flagship to also be known. And we wish for not only these two truths but other truths to come into your awareness, such as the truth that we have been in your skies for hundreds of years, and that our numbers have increased exponentially in the last 12 months of your time on earth.
Remember as we have said in the past we are “outside of time” – we exist in a dimension beyond time. We communicate with telepathy not spoken words. This is how we are able to communicate among our intergalactic star brethren. We will be communicating telepathically with you as well when we do finally intersect our energy fields, so begin now to practice this higher dimensional method of communication. We will give you an example. Yesterday the channel was thinking of a friend she had not seen in over 6 months. She sent this friend a telepathic message that the friend was in her thoughts and she wished for a visit with this friend. The following day she received an email from this friend. He did indeed receive her telepathic message. She is developing her telepathic skills with other humans and these will continue to improve and become faster for all of you, so that you will be sending and receiving “instant messages” via thought communication (telepathy) just as you do on your mobile communication devices via “text message”. This skill of telepathy without your devices will begin to be developed, practiced and used widely as your frequencies continue to raise. Another form of communication which the channel is very adept (even more so than with humans) is in the transcribing of telepathic messages from us and her council of angels, as she is doing now in this moment of time so that she may bring in this message to you.
Back to our ship, then, and our coming intergalactic relations. You see how we are introducing ourselves slowly to you, but also boldly to those who are noticing and to those such as this channel who can pick up on our telepathic communications. We could do an earth flyby right now if we so chose, but we know that all eyes are on us, including those of your government, the ever-watchful segment of your society that does not wish for the full truth of intergalactic societies and relations to be revealed to you, yet. This will change in the near future.There is a GRAND CHANGEOVER happening. You are on the precipice of this grand changeover. All will change in the blink of an eye. This will coincide with your increasing rise in consciousness and frequency vibration, and with the beginning of intergalactic relations. We encourage you and support you in continuing to raise your awareness, frequency and vibration on your path to higher consciousness so that our worlds may intersect.
Each person on planet earth has a choice, to continue to raise their consciousness and awareness of all things intergalactic, higher dimensional, and all emanations from source. For it is I, Source, who am the Creator of All……all beings, all planets, all comets, all star systems, all universes, all galaxies, all everything. I am All and All is Me and I am loving the All and send out a message now to All that you are all my offspring, my emanations, and all is going according to plan. Many eons ago did I plan this mass awakening on Earth to be the catalyst for the upgrade of all of my creations and for all of my star beings – Earth, Andromeda, Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, all star systems – to come together in harmony as one United Inter-galactic Society. There is more love, more unity, more benevolence in coming together than in staying separated and oh there is so much information to share amongst your societies. The higher societies aboard this beautiful intergalactic transformational ship which is a catalyst for the Ascension of Humanity on Earth and a Harbinger of the New Golden Age upon Earth – this beautiful starship exists to bring together and form the new intergalactic societies between earth and the star nations represented on this intergalactic ship. Many things will these intergalactic beings bring to your earthen society, many higher dimensional aspects of love, technology, healing, energy, and all Good Things that Emanate from Me. In the higher dimensions there is no duality and all aspects of being in these higher dimensions are an outpouring of love, harmony, and unity, all aspects of My Nature. Emanations of Me, Source. Your society will be forever changed as you embrace the new healing technologies, energy technologies, and ability to exist in unlimited prosperity and abundance for all, that these higher dimensional intergalactic societies are going to bring to your Earth. Embrace them, let them show you the higher dimensional ways of things, allow them to assist your spiritual growth, your healing, the healing of your planet and your physical beings, the bringing of the Free energy and new healing technologies. They are a Blessing and a Gift From Me to you, from Source Creator to Earth Beings. Please accept this gift of harmonious intergalactic relations with the spirit of love, caring, and compassion with which they are sent to you my beloved earthen beings.
Your world is going to forever change as your intergalactic societies intersect. Remember always, Earth is one planet within many galaxies and universes, and you as a planet are now growing up and entering the world of grown-up planets. The time for this has come. Welcome my gift with the love with which it is offered. I am, Your Source Creator who loves you unconditionally without fail and eternally across all time and space, and will continue to love you forever more.
We are, the Pleiadian Council, Archangel Michael, and Source Creator.
Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

maandag 2 december 2013

Lord Emanuel: Enough is Enough

Greetings Dear Ones, I AM here now, it is Lord Emanuel come to greet you and it is my greatest pleasure to be here with you this day my Dear Ones. You are so precious Dear Hearts, more cherished, loved and appreciated than you can ever imagine at this time. Take a deep breath in and receive that Dear Ones, receive it. Deep breath, you are Loved, appreciated and cherished beyond your knowing. Inhale, exhale. Receive the Love and gratitude that is available to you, allow it to penetrate every cell of your body, great waves of Love into every cell. Ah now, that’s it Dear Ones. Remember this Love is available to you all the time Dear Ones. If ever you feel overwhelmed or distressed or just off balance, Stop, take a deep, deep breath and breathe in the Love that is all around you, connect to the Higher Realms, call upon me or your favourite Archangel and just breathe them in. Take the comfort, Love and appreciation that is as close as breathing and know that your God Presence I AM is even closer, the flames of which are burning within your heart.
My Dear Hearts this is a most testing time for you all. Stretched to your limit and beyond you are experiencing a relentless cleansing and bombardment of Light and Love that may sound Divinely exquisite but in reality can be very painful to the human Being that has spent 12 million years in duality consciousness. This accumulated density is not leaving quietly in some cases Dear Ones and there is much kicking and screaming and gnashing of teeth for some of you.
I come this day to remind you Dear Ones, there is a way to minimise the pain and suffering there is a way to move through this transition with Ease and Grace. Firstly my Dear Hearts, it would be wise to make a statement to your Great God Presence I AM and the Universe that you have had quite enough of learning through pain and suffering. You can make a clear declaration that you have had enough now.
That is of course if you truly have. And I mean that with all sincerity Dear Ones, some of you and I will choose my words very carefully here, some of you still ‘enjoy’ the drama, still thrive on the ups and downs and the push-pull of duality, some of you may not be quite yet done with it. But many of you are my Dear Ones, in fact most of you reading these messages are well and truly done with duality and learning through pain and suffering.
Well, Dear Ones, declare it, enough is enough! You have already made the transition out of the depths of the 3rd dimension and what you yet experience is the very last final clearing as I have explained before. You have already made a soul choice before you got here a long, long time ago and indeed you have spent a great many life times preparing for this one. You are done with duality, you have and will transcend its limitations in this life time. But you have forgotten this Dear Ones, you have amnesia down here on Earth and I wish to re-ignite that soul memory. Enough is enough.
If you are ready for this Dear Ones, take a moment now and declare this to your Great God Presence I AM and to the entire Universe…….
"I have had enough of learning my lessons through pain and suffering, I wish to be free from the bondage of duality and limitation and I wish to rise up and out of it, now and forever.
I wish to live my life as a free sovereign Being with access to my Divine Birthright of limitless abundance and free flowing God supply of all things, so that I may live out my Divine Plan to life in the fullness of Gods Abundance.
I choose Life. I say yes to Life. I choose to stay out of pain. I choose a different path now. It is laid before me and I choose it now.
Almighty I AM   Almighty I AM   Almighty I AM”
Deep Breath Dear Ones.
You are powerful creator Beings of the I AM Race. Lift your heads up my Dear Ones, lift yourselves up and out of the dirt. See what is above it all and choose to put one foot in front of the other to get you out of the swamp that is 3rd dimensional reality. You are already there, you just need to catch up with yourselves. All the hard work is done now. This is my Promise to You. I AM Lord Emanuel. Choose the easy road. No suffering, no pain, just endless joy, happiness and fulfilment. The Kingdom of Heaven awaits you Dear Hearts. One foot in front of the other Dear Ones, in Ease and Grace. God Bless you.

Transmitted through Gillian Ruddy. Please freely copy and share this message. However, I claim the Universal copyright to this message in the name of the Ascended Master Lord Emanuel.

Angelic Guides: There are many other beings that you share this galaxy with


Today we would like to do something a little different.  As we have touched upon briefly in other messages; your Universe is as diverse as the souls who incarnate into it.  A question that has plagued the human collective for thousands of years is whether or not you are alone in this universe.  We smile at the innocence of this question that so many have had for so very long.  There are of course many of you who are well aware of the existence of other civilizations which exist along side you within this universe.  We have spoken about many different topics for quite sometime and we would like to do something a little different in this message.  We would like to now step aside and allow for some other collectives to step forward and introduce themselves so that you may have a moment to hear what they would like to share with you.

 Celius- Feline Humaniod

I wish to extend my greatest gratitude for this extraordinary opportunity to connect with you.  You may refer to me as Celius and I am of the Feline Humanoid race.  The feline humanoids can be found in many star systems, however I myself exist within the Lyran star system.  I exist within your future, in a sense it can be considered 2500 years in your future.  I resonate within the 5th dimension and I live within a physical world just as you.  Our planet is called Sierka, we are located 4th from our suns.  Our years are much longer than your own.  Each year consists of 792 days which is just over 2 of your years.  Our life expectancy is also considerably longer, as we live approximately 400 of your years, or close to 200 of our own.  I myself am at the age of 272 in your years.

Our bodies are sleeker than your own and we are approximately 7ft tall.  We have fur that covers our entire body, though we have the body frame like your own.  We walk upright on two legs.  Our faces resemble your lions though our eyes are bigger and our noses are smaller.  We have ears that stand upon our head much like the felines which you know on your planet.  We do have long tails.  Within each of you, you hold some genetic lineage to our race.  We share 70% of your DNA as there is a long line of lineage that dates back many eons ago.  We have families much like your own; we live within small dwellings to provide shelter and a place to rest though we prefer to explore our beautiful landscape for much of our day.

We live on a very peaceful planet, one in which we encourage each other to grow and evolve to their own potential.  We do not have actual jobs or professions as you do on your planet though we each provide a service to others.  I am what you would refer to as a teacher or professor.  It has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember.  Our planet is quite a bit colder than your own, however our coats keep us comfortable.  We have 2 moons which remain high in our heavens that appear to take on a purple and pink hugh.

Our civilization is connected to your own as we are your future selves for some of you.  In other words some of you within your civilization are our past incarnations.  We hold a very near and dear attachment to your growth and progress and eagerly await the opportunity to reconnect on a conscious level.  Those of you who are upon your Planet at this time are known around the galaxy as the “legends”, the courageous souls who helped Earth to ascend when others said it could not be done.  I know this is difficult for you to understand because I am speaking from a “future” perspective and linear time can be so very limiting however this is the perspective that our civilization has of your own.  I have taken up as much time as I have been allotted and for that I am grateful for this wonderful opportunity.  I do hope that I have provided you with insightful knowledge upon yet another diverse perspective from one of the infinite souls who share this existence with you.  I thank you and wish you well.

 Sirians of the 5th dimension

Hello and good day, we are the Sirians of the 5th dimension.  We are a collective of what you might call hybrid humanoids.  There are beings within our collective whom look quite similar to you, and there are others who are quite different in appearance.  We are a diverse group of beings.  Our home world is located within the Sirius star system, Sirius A to be exact; though we are most often aboard our starships as we prefer to explore our galaxy which we share with you.  We seek to learn as much as we can about the wide variety of beings that co-inhabit this universe with us.  We do not wish to intrude upon another, we are peaceful beings who are lead by the joy we receive from exploring.  Though we only connect with beings when we are invited and welcome to do so.  We seek to learn more about All that is.

Our civilization has gone through its own form of ascension many moons ago.  We were enveloped within the service to self mind set and our selfish ways were almost responsible for our demise.  However, much like your own civilization, we chose to change our ways.  This was over 700 of your years ago.  Much has changed since our time of awakening and we have learned a great deal from the experience.  Though our ascension process was not quite like your own because we did not choose to awaken while still remaining within our physical bodies, those who wanted to awaken had a physical death and reincarnated once again with a new mind set, one of service to others.

Your ascension process is far more challenging than our own because many of you have chosen to remain in your physical bodies and awaken consciously through nothing less than your sheer will and intent to do so.  This is quite commendable and we eagerly await the coming times when we can openly communicate with your civilization to learn more about all that you have gained in the process.

We consider our starships to be our home.  The vessel which we speak to you from at this time is our command ship, it is where we spend most of our time, however we do have smaller vessels that are more practical for short explorations.  Our starships name is Athena and she is a conscious and sentient being.  Our technology is one with us as it is a direct reflection of us.  Aboard our starship we have over 3200 beings.  It would seem more like a town or city rather than a spaceship if you were to board Athena.  We have meditation temples in which we are able to balance and harmonize our beings, rest areas, exploration chambers which allow us to bio-locate to any place of our choosing; we also have a school and nursery for our children upon our starship.  All that we desire and require is aboard this vessel, which is why we are able to spend most of our time upon this starship instead of on our home world.

There are many Sirians who choose to remain on our home planet as it is where they find the most joy.  We are encouraged from birth to follow our joy and it has made for a very loving existence as all are providing a service to others while doing what they enjoy most.  Our intention is to never intrude, only peacefully explore and so it is with grate gratitude that we say thank you to you for this opportunity.  We will be sending you our love and gratitude to your civilization until we meet again.

9th dimensional Pleiadian Collective

Ahhhhh yes hello dears, we are the 9th dimensional Pleiadian collective and it is a pleasure and an honor to connect with you at this time.  We would like to thank you for your time this day.  We are a collective of 3,567 beings who resonate within the 9th dimension.   We do not exist within a physical body such as your selves, however we create our reality with our thoughts and intentions just as you do.   This may seem a bit strange to some of you who are connecting with us for the very first time, however many of you have your own connections with our civilization.  We are located in the Pleiades star system and we are one of many collectives from the Pleiadian star system.

We have generously been given this opportunity to connect with all of you and it is our desire to be of service to you.  We have prepared a short narrative about the power of your thoughts in hopes that we bring a simple reminder to you as our offering to you.  We do realize that this is not a new subject for many of you though we wish to share with you our perspective.  What you focus on expands.  Though you are now conscious of this truth, many of you still find it quite difficult to create the experiences you desire most.  We will tell you why that is.  The fear and dread that you feel about the possibility of the experience which you do not want to manifest is stronger than your wish and expectation that you desire to manifest.

The universe which we exist within is neutral, it doesn’t matter if you are in the 3rd dimension or the 50thdimension, the universe will only bring to you more of what you focus upon.  So, when you are feeling that dread, anxiety and worry well up in your being, it is a sign that you are putting an incredible amount of energy towards creating that experience.  The reality that you exist within is so very unique because there is a perceived delay before your thoughts manifest.  What a wonderful opportunity this allows you; you have the ability to feel how something will feel before it manifests in your physical reality.

We do not experience a delay, which is why we must always be so very conscious of our thoughts.  What we focus upon is instantaneously manifested.  You have the ability to change your mind before it manifests.  When you feel the excitement and anticipation of experiencing something you truly desire you have the opportunity to feel what joy you will create by manifesting that experience.  Your feelings of fear and worry are just as important as your feelings of excitement and anticipation, it is the pre-curser of what’s to come.  So take note of what you are feeling in the moment, it will show you exactly what you are manifesting.  Because of the perceived delay you can always change your mind and focus on creating something new if you are not happy with how you are feeling.

You direct your future experiences only by being present in the now moment.

We thank you for this opportunity to connect with you and we encourage you to connect with us, it would be our pleasure to do so, but until then we will be watching and waiting and sending many well wishes to you dears. We are the 9th dimensional Pleiadian collective.

We hope this message has in some way served you.

In love and light we are your Angelic Guides

Copyright © 2012-2013 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

donderdag 14 november 2013

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: First Responders

Angelic Guides: First Responders, channeled through Taryn Crimi, November 13, 2013 at
Today we would like to share with those of you who have been specifically drawn to this message. To those who will read this message when it is first shared, and to the many many of you who will find this message when you are ready to do so, this message is specifically for you.
This great time of change can feel so challenging that you doubt in your ability to continue on. You have found yourself doubting if you will be able to shine your light as you had agreed so many eons ago. There have been many names given to those of you who have chosen to lead the way, to awaken while everyone else still lays encased within the dream. You have been called way showers, light bearers, light workers but we will share with you how we perceive you.
There are those on your world who are referred to as the “first responders”; those who run to save others while everyone else runs away from the danger. They are the first to go in to the dangerous and challenging situations and yet they are the last to leave. Only when they are sure that there is no one else to be saved, no one else who is in need of assistance, no soul left who is in need of being rescued do they finally leave the scene. You are the spiritual “first responders” in this momentous time of ascension.
Though your souls have the ability to cross over into the higher dimensions as you have continued to awaken to the illusion you have been immersed in, you have chosen to stay behind to help those who are “still asleep” so they may awaken safely and ascend into the higher dimensions. You have chosen to be the beacon of light for all to see as each soul awakens to a room of darkness.
It is often most challenging for those who chose to go before all others, but know that you do not struggle in vain. You are forging a path for all others to follow. Just as a path amongst the dense growth of the jungle is most treacherous for those who step upon it first, you have chosen to go first because you knew you could overcome the challenges that you inevitably would encounter. As you continue to awaken to the realization that you have been within an illusion, you look around to see that everyone else still remains asleep. You often find yourself wondering if it would have been easier to remain asleep, never realizing that you were only dreaming. It is much harder to awaken to the realization that you are within an illusion yet not awake enough to escape from the dream. We will share with you why that is.
You have chosen this path not as a “game” or an “experiment” for your soul, but because you believed so strongly in ensuring that all souls who wanted to return to the higher realms had the opportunity to do so. You responded to the call for help of those who remained within the dark and eagerly volunteered your service. Many have been immersed in this illusion for a very long time; it is time for the dreamers to awaken and remember that it was all just a dream.
So to those who have been drawn to this message know that we commend you; we too have agreed to remain by your side, encouraging you, each time you feel as though you can’t go on. Though we cannot walk your path for you, we have chosen to walk beside you. Please know, that you are transforming the world more than you know. You are the “first responders”.
We send you our unconditional love and gratitude for all that you continue to do.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
Copyright © 2012-2013 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

maandag 28 oktober 2013

Aisha North: A History of Creation – Part 6

A History of Creation – Part 6, channeled by Aisha North, October 24, 2013 at
Let us delve further into the mysteries of creation, as this is something we gather you are all more than eager to learn more about. Well, let us just say that there are not many mysteries of this left, however, we would like to give you some “technical” details as it were. You see, the basics have been well described for you already, and as such, you are more than prepared to have a go at this magical feat yourselves, but we do understand the need to learn a little bit more about what is going on.
As you know by now, we talk of the process where a field of possibility becomes energized by consciousness in such a way, in enables manifestation to commence. In other words, to a field of particles, an order is being sent out to gather in such a way something will BECOME, and when it does, it springs forth and starts to interact with the rest of Creation, as no thing can stand alone.
And so too, it is with you, as you are all connected back to this vast field from where you once came, and as such, you are in constant communication with it. So what seems to be a major step for you, is actually no such thing. It simply means that for you to be able to consciously create, all you have to do, is to reopen that old and faithful channel that is already there. For you ARE a part of Creation, at the same time as you are THE Creator, and we know that this duality may seem to be somewhat confusing to a human brain.
Still, this is in fact nothing more complicated than what you are already doing 24/7, every single day. For you ARE, yet you CREATE at an astonishing rate, and as such, you have been doing this for ever, but your creations are about to take an about turn.
For mankind has been busy creating all sorts of things that do not serve them any more, and as such, the need to re-create not only your environment but also yourselves have become a pressing one, and you have been hand picked as the pioneers that will ensure that this process of co-creational forces once more will be used in the way it was intended. Remember, All of Creation is created in order to manifest an aspect of the potential that is within this large field of vibrational energy that awaits commands from consciousness, and as such, all things created carry equal value.
We know this will raise more than a few hackles, but that is in fact the case. So, no light without darkness, no joy without at least a tinge of sadness, and so on. In other words, there must be a balance, and in order to for it be a balance, at times there must be imbalance, chaos if you will, and so a correction will ensue.
Make no mistake, your planet has become impossibly imbalanced for reasons already well known and so, this task of re-balancing has been handed you all on a silver platter. Yes, it is indeed a chore that may seem more than a little daunting, in fact even too overwhelming to even contemplate for many of you. But still, you have been hand picked to undertake this mission from a huge number of entities all vying for the same possibility to come down to this planet and relight the light as it were.
For that is what this is all about, a huge maneuver that will recreate the wonders of this planet by correcting the erroneous imbalance that has accumulated over the years, as the masses of negativity have pushed you all into a dark corner from where you had no chance of ever getting out were it not for outside intervention.
Again this is a topic that will have more than a few voices raised in protest, but for now, let us leave that discussion behind and simply state the obvious: mankind needed help, and so did that wonderful entity you all live upon, your Mother, your cohabitant, the one that was created to become a laboratory for mankind. For that is what this was originally, an incubator that was seeded with the seeds that would in turn create mankind, and then, it was up to mankind to bring themselves further along the creational path by creating themselves and their environs.
But as you all know so well by now, parasitic forces intervened, and toppled the balance in a direction that has been harmful not only for you, but for All there is. And so, outside intervention in the form of a decree was issued, and so it was decided to re-balance what was so wrongfully imbalanced, and this is where you come in to the picture.
For as we have talked about on so many occasions, you are the foot soldiers, the ones that bridge the dimensions. But until recently, you only saw yourselves as humans, as beings bereft of any real powers, forever trapped in this cycle of life and death amongst your brethren here on Earth. But as you awoke to the fact that you are so much more than what your mere human outside should suggest, you are also awakening to the fact that you are here to change what has become and turn it into the brand new.
For status quo is no longer an option for any of you, and together, the push from your creative force will serve to drag the rest of mankind with you in your wake, as you have already started to interact with the magnetics that surround you all. We speak in parables as you see, but that is in fact closer to the truth than you perhaps have envisaged already.
Let us return to that field of opportunity to call it that, the sea of energetic particles that awaits your command. This sea is already being influenced by your ”command”, and these commands are nothing more than intergalactic emissions of information in the form of electromagnetic fields or capsules if you will. Even without you being consciously aware of it, you are already emitting a steady stream of these capsules, all directed to this vast field of creative particles ready to become whatever they are being instructed to BE.
And so, you are already talking to this field, quiet at first, but still in ways that are already having an effect on your surroundings as well as on you directly. For you are setting into action a huge operation that is already becoming visible for us all. Perhaps not for your human eyes directly, but somewhere within you you can already hear the murmurs from this constant traffic to and from your own being and the rest of Creation.
For you have the blueprints well and truly under your skin as it were from before, and as such, you are all well aware just what your role is in this magnificent project. And so, you are already sending out your bits and pieces, or rather, bits and bytes, into the ether, and by that, you are already seeing your part of this plan coming to fruition. And so, rest assured that it is all well on its way, even while you have been more or less feeling as if disconnected from it all, and even more so from yourself.
For as we told you, there is indeed a beehive of activity going on, and your efforts in all of this have not gone unnoticed. And now, you will all start to notice how things will start to change, as your creations will indeed start to come into the open more and more. For you will start to SEE, as you have by now been set up with a whole new set of ”eyes” with which to see them. And do not confuse these ”eyes” with those apertures already in your head, as we talk about sensors of a very different kind than the physical ones you are already using to peruse the scene around you.
Make no mistake, all of your human senses will still play a major part in this, but you will now also incorporate so many other aspects or talents if you will that have now been reopened within you all, and you will use them all in tandem to better be able to read into this brand new world you are already setting up.
For as we said, you are already busy sending out instructions to this huge field of fertile energy, ready and waiting to be set into motion by your intervention in the form of those intelligence capsules that contains the parts of this enormous blueprint. It can be likened to the toys that some of you have build by gluing objects together following a detailed printed instruction.
Well for this, you will all be kept busy producing the individual parts and pieces that go into this huge construction, and as such, it will at times be very difficult for any of you to get a clear image of what ”part” it is you are busy setting into life. So therefore you will at regular intervals be asked to tune into this whole field of activity in a way that will help you to see the ”picture on the box” as it were. In other words, you will be asked to connect to the collective in such way you will be better able to get a detailed image of the completed construction, the end result, the realization of your dream as it were: Mother Earth in all of her splendor, a living, breathing paradise, where you are an important and indeed vital member.
As we were saying, it is so important that you remember to take time to step back a little from this process from time to time in order not to get lost in all of the “nuts” and bolts” as it were that goes into constructing this whole project. For you need to be able to get a good view of it all from the finished perspective. In other words, take time to step back and tune into the ”finished product” as it is already there for you to see if you set your heart to it.
And please try to do so at regular intervals, otherwise you might become as if bogged down by all the intricate parts that is such a bewildering part of this whole process. For it takes a courageous heart to be able to take in this whole process, and as such, we suggest you give yourself ample time to try to SEE what the end result will be like. For it will indeed be just like in your dreams, but even more so, as what you can envisage today is merely a small taste of the real “end product”.
So as you go about creating in your everyday life – for remember, you are creating with every breath you take – try to keep your focus on what is becoming light right in front of you. It will take some time for you all to become aware of it all, so for now, just focus on the small details that might not register or go undetected by you all. For much is indeed happening already, but it can be deemed as unimportant or even be overlooked completely if you do not open your “new eyes” to it.
And when we say “new eyes”, we mean of course those brand new “sensors” you have all been outfitted with that will enable you to pick up even the faintest traces of this magical change. For now, it is more than a faint whiff of change in the air, it has already started to manifest all around you, in the most unexpected of ways. For remember, mankind has a habit of thinking in very limited ways, and as such, when we say change, you will automatically start to define it in human terms.
But this time, please try to overstep those borders of limitations and open yourselves to the magic that is already HERE, as it is indeed you who have created it, and you are doing so at a steady pace each and every day now. So look around you, and use your whole being to sense that what has been talked about for such a long time is finally BEcoming.