maandag 30 september 2013

Archangel Michael: Love is a Natural State of Being. September 29, 2013

Archangel Michael: Love is a Natural State of Being. Channelled through Ronna Herman, September 29, 2013, at:
Beloved Masters, never forget: Love is a natural state of Being. Love is a life-sustaining, inborn condition. When Love is the radiating force in your life, fear disappears. Fear is created by the absence of Love. Fear is a state of mind created by tapping into lower frequency, distorted, thought forms.
When you turn inward and tap into that well-spring of Love within your Sacred Heart, it first permeates your Inner Being; the remainder then radiates out into the world. As a result, you will begin to see through eyes filtered by loving energy, which will change how you view the people in your life – it will also affect how you handle everyday challenges and opportunities – an overlay of loving energy creates miracles.
To become a Self-master, you must endeavor to integrate the right and left hemispheres of your brain so that you may gain access to your Sacred Mind. It is also vital that you integrate the male/female attributes and virtues of the perfect Adam and Eve Kadmon template of your universal OverSoul-Self. (Adam=Atom * Eve=Evolution).
Please, take a few moments to sit quietly and turn inward as you focus on your Sacred Heart Center. Feel the expansion of your Solar Power Center as you move deeper and deeper into your Sacred Heart Chamber. Feel the overwhelming Love that slowly radiates throughout your body, for you are now connected to your Diamond Core God Cell, which contains the precious Seed Atom of your Divine Essence. Therein is an inexhaustible supply of Adamantine Particles waiting for you to activate them with your loving intention. It is a tangible experience, Beloveds. It is real, and it is the most wondrous, blissful feeling you will ever experience while in the Earthly vessel, for you will have tapped into the pure loving Essence of our Mother/Father God.
Your carbon-based body is very gradually returning to the silicon/crystalline based form of your perfected Light Body. At one level or another, all human Beings are striving for a Soul-infused personality and unity with his/her Soul Self and OverSoul-Higher Self. Whether conscious of it or not, a memory Seed Atom is buried deep within the Diamond Core God Cell of every Soul on Earth – an inner desire to seek and attain cosmic attunement.
Your personal fifth-dimensional Pyramid of Light is your Celestial sanctuary where you will gradually begin to integrate the frequencies, attributes and qualities of the higher fourth dimension, and eventually the entry levels of the fifth dimension. Within these higher realms of existence, there are sub-dimensions of Light, Sacred fire, sound and color.
Solar Fire: Nothing can escape the radiation and magnetic influence of the rarified Creator Light that is now permeating our Sub-Universe, Galaxy, solar system, the Earth and humanity. The Cosmic Rays of Creator Light will elevate your consciousness, and will accelerate your attunement to the higher wisdom of the Cosmic Mind, thereby igniting the keys and codes of Ascension.
The Supreme Creator Light and the Refracted Rays containing the various attributes, qualities and virtues of Creator consciousness are RAY-diated forth out into the Universe by the great Archangels through powerful cosmic currents. These currents have been named the River of Life. It is important that you understand that there are Creator Rays as well as God Rays. There is a Golden Galaxy empire that reigns over each Sub-Universal world. Two great Beings become the Supreme Oversoul of a Sub-Universe – a designated Father/Mother God – who resides within the Sub-Universal, Great Central Sun.
During this era of monumental transformational change, the Supreme Creator Rays, containing powerful streams of Divine Consciousness, are being beamed into the Great Central Sun of each Universe. These higher frequency Rays of Creator Light are then sent forth into the suns that OverLight each Sub-Universe.
From within the Sacred Heart Core of our Father/Mother God, these newly infused cosmic Rays, which contain the new Divine Blueprint for this Sub-Universe, are then radiated outward into each succeeding Galaxy. These powerful new Rays then pass through the Central Sun of each solar system, the sun of each planet, and eventually to humanity on planet Earth.
Many of you are feeling overwhelmed and cannot understand what all this complicated information has to do with you personally. We assure you Beloveds, that each of you is being affected by the influx of higher frequency energy, whether you believe it or not.
Humanity is in the midst of a great evolutionary change, which will involve many tests and challenges, as well as wondrous opportunities. You are learning to use gifts and abilities that have lain dormant for centuries beyond centuries. You are not judged by your score or level of authenticity as you move into the realms of Illumined Truth, only by your intent.
Each person who channels or brings forth information will find a following for the level of knowledge they impart – much of which has not been available to you before – insights, tools and methods you will need to traverse the spiral of Ascension. Sometimes they will bring forth the innocence of Spirit, a gentle loving nature that resonates with Unconditional Love, as a shining example of a true Master. Others may teach the lessons of discernment, quite possibly through painful experiences, so that you will come to realize you can no longer give your truth or power away to another.
It is a time when more and more of you, those who have cleared some of the distortions within the Light Pathway, which extends from your Crown Chakra to your Divine I AM Presence/God Self, are beginning to develop your telepathic abilities. Your intuition and inspired thoughts are increasing because you are now listening to the whispers of your Soul Self. It is a wondrous occasion when you are ready and able to reconnect with the many facets of your Divine Self.
Over the past thirty years or so, a great variety of loving, dedicated messengers and teachers have been thrust out into the arena of public service in order to give you access to the multitude of new cosmic information that began to pour forth when the etheric veil or the quarantine was lifted from the Earth.
However, with the great variety of new information, much of which was/is in harmony with the concepts and teachings of the Hierarchy and Beings of Light, there was/is still information that is brought forth in thought forms that are filtered through the belief systems and reality of the messenger – information that is conflicting and confusing – some partially true, much shaded truth, and even some distorted fallacies picked up from the myths of mass consciousness. Long ago, we gave you a caveat: “Always process any new teachings through your Sacred Heart/Mind before you accept it as your truth.” Discernment is an integral part of Self-mastery.
What is now happening to those of you in the vanguard, the Wayshowers, is this: You went through the process of releasing all that you thought was important in your third-dimensional reality, surrendering your dysfunctional relationships and your nonessential possessions. Your perception of what and who you are has advanced and expanded tremendously as you moved into harmony and attunement with your Higher Self – gradually accessing more refined energy, higher frequencies, new information and greater wisdom.
As a result, you eventually became more comfortable within your fourth-dimensional reality as you worked through all the negative emotional energies that came bubbling up from deep within your subconscious mind, sweeping out and transmuting outmoded perceptions. The pulsating, transforming Light frequencies also reverberated throughout the depths of your cellular structure and began to break loose all the fearful and restrictive thought forms that have accumulated down through the ages – stirring them up, moving them out to be released and replaced with Divine Light substance.
Many of you carry ancient, painful memories of betrayal and abandonment of how you were eventually trapped within the physical body and could no longer withdraw at will. You had forgotten that it was your assignment to focus upon and integrate Spirit within the physical body – to become an extension of your Divine Presence in manifesting, developing and perfecting life in the physical expression – via the mental, emotional, astral/desire body through the gift of free will.
This is where the experiment went awry, and a love/hate relationship with the physical vessel began that has continued and magnified down through the ages. Look around you at humanity at large. How far you have fallen from the perfect, magnificent vessels in which you first embodied on planet Earth – the beautiful design, the awesome, intricate structure you originally inhabited.
There were those of you who have been great leaders, wielders of power and authority in many past lifetimes. You vowed before incarnating in this lifetime that you would, once more, accept the challenge and that you would succeed this time. You can see what has been wrought as a result of the misuse of these gifts.
When are those who are now in power, those natural leaders who always seem to come to the fore to direct and influence humanity, going to awaken and realize what a great gift they have been given? They must realize that these gifts will be taken from them, and eventually turned against them, if they do not take the responsibility for the great honor that was bestowed upon them, and begin to use their abilities properly for the benefit of all?
There are many of you who have the potential talents to become proficient healers and caretakers – a most honorable way to serve humanity. Many of you are using these gifts as they were meant to be used, but many more have taken advantage of the masses and misused their knowledge and abilities to control humanity and to amass great fortunes.
And there is a misconception that being a server or care giver of humanity is not a worthy task or endeavor, and many are looked down upon or taken advantage of as being “lesser than” or not as important as those performing other duties or vocations. Make no mistake, these beloved, unselfish Souls are integral to the well-being of humankind and are also Divine emissaries of the Creator.
Those of you who came with overwhelming love for the Creator and your beautiful planet have felt a great responsibility for the Earth. You have always known (even before it was a popular belief or an acceptable concept) that the Earth is a living, breathing entity. You feel a great affinity for nature and for the wondrous variety and the grandeur of the flora and fauna the Earth Mother offers as a gift to humankind.
Many of you feel a deep personal pain, almost an assault on your own Being, at the misuse, neglect and selfish destruction humanity has wrought on this once perfect, pristine paradise. You are the ones who feel most at peace in the mountains, in the wilderness or sitting on the shore watching the wonder of the waves as they crest, pulse and flow, trying to soothe your ailing planet.
Send forth your loving energy, Dear Ones – feel the power surge through your Being as you bring in the highest frequencies possible, and then transmit this healing energy down into the Earth. Envision the healing, transforming Light flowing through, clearing and healing the Earth’s etheric web. This is your mission, your part of the Divine Plan. You know who you are. You will know this is your mission by the joy, serenity and sense of peace you feel as you allow yourself to be an instrument of healing for the Mother Earth.
Some of you have been receiving disconnected and disturbing thoughts, and are dreaming vividly and in great detail. We tell you that you are beginning to access some of your parallel lives, some of your Higher Self, Sparks of Light who are experiencing other dimensions. Many of you who could be termed to be “on the fast track of Ascension” are in the process of integrating more and more fragments of your Higher Self, and as a result, you may be experiencing much confusing or conflicting information.
Sometimes, you may experience distorted information and thought forms that do not seem to belong to you, and other times, you may receive wondrous insights and profound new concepts. Allow these new concepts to slowly filter into your consciousness, and if they resonate as Truth within your Sacred Heart and Mind, it is appropriate to integrate and make use of the new knowledge. However, just as with the emotions and thoughts which well up from within your own Being that are based on fear or negativity of any sort, see the thought forms that are not love-based or joyful instantly transmuted into pure, Divine Light substance and release them.
My brave warriors, do not become discouraged. Now is the time to draw forth the gift of the First Ray of Divine Will/Power. You are being tried and tested to see if you can stand up to and conquer your greatest fears, and to see if you can and will accept the full measure of Creator Light that is being offered to you.
You are making dramatic progress. The shadows and dark corners of the Earth and the minds of humanity-at-large will not be able to resist the radiance of Creator Light much longer. Hold steadfastly to your vision. Have courage and encourage others as you march boldly into the Light of the future world. We stand beside you and enfold you in an aura of God’s love,
I Am Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

The Arcturian Group Message September 28, 2013

The Arcturian Group Message. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele, September 28, 2013, at
Greetings Dear Ones.
We bring you hope and comfort, for we know many are suffering in these times of great change. You are in the process of releasing old energy from your physical, emotional, and mental levels which can be – and often – is uncomfortable and stressful. Understand that clearing and releasing has levels to it. You may think you have cleared experiences or emotions, and then suddenly there they are again.
Much of this deeper clearing has to do with ancient lives lived within the structure of rites and rituals. The clearing process moves at whatever pace your Higher Self knows you are ready for. The more profound experiences of your past lives often have deeper levels which up to now you have buried within and are only recently ready to clear.
Please do not expect ordinary life to continue as it has in the past, because daily living up to now has been based on universal concepts – some good and some bad (duality and separation) most of which are now dissolving. Nothing is going to remain the same – nor can it – although general appearances may still seem unchanged.
It is the people as a whole who are choosing to no longer accept the status quo, a sign of spiritual growth. As the energy frequency of Gaia changes and as you become more enlightened, the higher frequency energy will appear in new and higher ways of doing what you do each day. You are creators and your state of consciousness will manifest in the outer.
Everything is spiritual for there is nothing else – One Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Consciousness manifesting ITSELF AS… It has been mankind’s ignorance of this and his belief in duality and separation that has created the world you have come to know and believe in – one filled with pairs of opposites.
Awareness is the goal of the spiritual journey and is what you are awakening to now. You are ready. As consciousness awakens individually and globally to the truth of Being and the error of duality and separation, the outer scene will – must – automatically change. Each realization of truth adds to Universal Light and helps to dissolve those false appearances created in and of ignorance.
Let go of everything that no longer serves you Dear Ones. Why do you continue to hold to those things, people, places, beliefs that you no longer resonate with? Honestly ask yourselves this question. Many are not even aware that they are doing it, even as their intuition is prodding them to let go of all that no longer serves their Higher good. Clinging to ideas and ways of living that you have evolved beyond out of habit or some misplaced loyalty slows spiritual growth and keeps you in bondage to the past.
Where there is an inability to let go, it always involves fear. Humans have been programmed lifetime after lifetime (and often for good reason) to fear the unknown. Fear has been a tool used by the power hungry to dominate, so the fear of making a mistake is common. Fear stems from any intense past life experiences, and for most remains firmly entrenched within cellular memory (particularly within the root chakra) until consciously released.
Release and clearings happen in several ways. It often starts when a student’s energy level starts to rise through meditation or energy work done by enlightened persons. Clearings can be general, but deeper issues must usually come up and be recognized in some way (physically, emotionally, or mentally). All clearings are guided by the Higher Self and a student need never fear that they are not ready for some clearing experience.
Many of these intense past life experiences still held in cellular memory activate whenever the individual comes close to making a choice similar to that which he may have made at the time of the original horrific experience. To prevent this, the body set up protective responses – fear of heights, fear of water, fear of dogs etc. etc. – FEAR. Send Light often to the cells of your body, especially during meditation. State the intention that your cellular memory release this old energy and allow in the Light of the Divine blueprint. Inform your cells that they will never have to experience this thing again even if you do not actually know what the experience was.
When irrational fears present to you, take the time to ask yourself, “What am I believing that is making me feel this? Is it true?” This way you can identify, release, and move beyond fear through higher awareness and the intention to clear and move beyond fear. Intention is very important in everything you say or do. Ask your Higher Self and Guides to help you with this for they are there to help and love you very much. However, as with everything, it is your choice.
The evolving soul bravely begins to trust the unknown when he comes to understand that all that is real is held in Divine order by law in spite of any appearances to the contrary – for there is nothing else. Mankind has been taught to find his solutions on the mental level, believing the brain to be the most important organ of the body. The brain is simply a tool and consciousness is the activator of this tool.
Children are taught from an early age to think and plan and plot every aspect of life in order that everything will flow without any problems (based upon third dimensional concepts of how things need to be). Realize that when working from a consciousness of duality and separation, there will then always be the pairs of opposites – no matter how well you plan – for you are creating perfectly within this energy of duality and separation. This is the third dimensional experience.
Planning is necessary when booking an airline ticket and taking care of daily issues. We are not saying that you cannot plan, but we are saying that it is time to learn to first listen to your intuition, acknowledge the truth behind every appearance, and then take whatever human footsteps are needed. Humans have been taught to do it the other way around, plotting, planning, and scheming through life and then secondarily and perhaps on a Sunday at church, considering the spiritual aspects of a situation. Spiritual consciousness is very practical. The completeness and harmony embodied within Divine Consciousness (and you) when realized, will manifest in ways that are perfect for you which may not be the same as they would be for another.
The spiritual life must be lived every moment of every day and night. Truth must become your state of consciousness – the lens through which you perceive everything in your lives. Your real identity is that you are Spiritual Beings, and therefore it is imperative that the serious spiritual student acknowledges and begins to live this awareness. You chose to be in the denser third dimensional energies of Earth in order to awaken in spite of any appearances to the contrary.
Many know truth on an intellectual level and go no further. Truth cannot be experienced on an intellectual level, no matter how many classes you attend or how many books you read. Truth kept at an intellectual level simply holds the spiritual student in place and adds to the third dimensional energy of the world.
The Divine cannot be understood with the brain, it is too profound, too universal, and too sacred. Truth gradually unfolds from within as an individual is spiritually ready, intellectual knowledge of truth is only a first baby step.
Anyone who is serious in their choice to evolve must start walking the walk, Dear Ones, instead of just talking the talk. It is time – and is past time for many. Remember, mankind is not on Earth simply to enjoy the scenery, but to awaken. All reading these messages are ready, and know it, yet many hesitate to actually live it.
Living a spiritually awakened life does not mean standing, arms folded in a pose of prayer 24/7, nor does it mean saying; “Oh God is All, everything is illusion, so I will let this starving baby just die”. Living out from truth does not mean being anyone’s doormat either, as one of the many concepts about spirituality would have you believe. Living out from Center means living, moving, and having your Being in a foundation of truth at all times in spite of outer appearances. You are then guided through everything needing to be done on the human level.
Understand that discord and disharmony have no law to hold them in place, but are simply the illusory interpretations of a universal, impersonal, and unenlightened world consciousness enmeshed in beliefs of duality and separation.
Send Light and Love to all those you see struggling, always recognizing their true Divine nature.
Much is coming that you will perceive as chaos, but do not go into fear for all is simply the removal of old and finished energy from Gaia, as well as from individuals.
Never doubt that you are Divine Beings having human experiences. Those evolved enough to be reading messages such as these are on your way, and fully capable of adding much Light to the world at this time – if you choose.
We are the Arcturian Group

Surround your energy field with the light of your higher essence

Tube of Light

(3 times) 

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence!

Enfold me now in Thy Mighty, Magic, Electronic Pillar of Ascended Master Light Substance!

Make it so Powerful that no human creation can pass through ever again.

Within this Mighty Tube of Light, blaze Thy Violet Transmuting Flame in, through, and around my four lower bodies and consume everything less than Thy Perfection now.

In its place, charge my world and all I contact with the Ascended Master Consciousness and with the Substance and Consciousness of each one of the Ascended Masters’ Living Presence and Activity right now.  

See that this Light keeps me invisible, invincible, and invulnerable to everything but Thy Almighty Presence and infinitely sensitive to Thee and Thy Divine Perfection.

dinsdag 10 september 2013


~ZERO POINT – For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY. The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality!~
Dearly beloved children of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, we come to you now in order to inform you in the next 3 weeks of your time there will once again be an energetic restructuring of your bodies.
Re structuring of the human vehicle is about to start yet again. Many of you will once more begin to experience a variety of ascension symptoms and we ask that you completely and fully let go of fear and fully allow the integration of crystalline that are being brought to you from the sun at this moment in time. For the next three weeks of your earthly time is the crystalline energy invocation period, and those of you who are ready to experience the upliftment of energies should allow your vessels to open to the divinity of what you hold within.
In order to partake of the invocation period that is sweeping your planet in the 3 week window, you need to fully and completely open to the source within your vessels, to your own HEART CODE, and once you open up to the heart code it is then that you will be able to fully integrate the crystalline energies that are traveling to you from the cosmic gateway of the sun and through the core of the earth energies that you have anchored into the heart of GAIA.
And when you do find yourself in a meditative state and allow the energies to enter your spherical bodies you shall experience a tingling sensation at the very top of your head. Allow these energies to move past and through to your entire being, cleansing everything that no longer positively serves. Do not be frightened when you begin to experience the pressure upon your crown chakra, but simply allow the energy to seep through you, gently vibrating each and every cell of your body, gently cleansing out all the remnants of everything left behind from the time no longer relevant to your being.
Allow the warm sensation to envelope your whole mind structure and fully and completely integrate the new energies. Some of you will begin to feel sleepy, others will feel the need to go into a meditative state, yet others will joyously continue along their day. Remain calm and enjoy and embrace these energies that bask you in loving light of the prime creator.
And as you allow these energies to pass through you, think thoughts of love, light, peace, bliss and happiness, think of everything that you wish to welcome into your life, and of everything that you wish to let off, allow these energies to pass through you releasing you from everything that no longer works for you. Know and understand that it is your HIGHER SELVES that are sending you these energies from the ALCYLONE SUN of the Pleiades
But Let us explain to you in “scientific terms” of your time what is about to occur on your earthly planes of existence.
For as many of you are aware the sun is shifting its frequency and the sun’s magnetic poles are merging and shifting into a new reality, and we do understand that the scientific community of your time is going to brush it off as something insignificant, and many naysayers are going to emerge that will argue the validity of the information that we are about to present to you herein. Nevertheless, we wish to take a moment and explain to you what is about to happen to your bodies and your minds.
For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY. The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality!
First step however, in this restructuring process is, that every single cell in your body is going to shift from the type of cellular and tissue structure that your science currently understands into that which your scientific community cannot possibly comprehend.
For as the sun’s shifting poles will shift and affect your bodies completely and utterly, you too will begin shifting and changing, not only in your consciousness, but also in your holographic experience.
The cellular structure of your body is about to undergo a major advancement in the creative processes of your holographic self. Many of you are feeling tired and exhausted beyond your current level of perception.
To help you understand this process, we wish to explain to you the theory of relativity, not as you presently understand it to be, but as it really is. The cosmic theory of relativity states that any celestial body that is undergoing a major event of magnificent proportions, that is directly linked to any “holographic” vehicle (body) currently occupied by consciousness of Prime Creator (souls), is thereby in direct alignment with the changing energies and is thereby greatly affected and is linked to the cosmic gates of existence, and is directly linked to specific organs and cellular structure within the body is thereby effected to a high degree.
Let us explain this to you I so that you can understand that which we mean. As you have been foretold your earth is indeed changing. And in order for safe passage through this dimensional frequency it is highly advisable for each and every single one of you to begin the allowance of interplanetary frequency change to take hold of your earthly vehicles and to allow the necessary changes to take place within, and in order to do so, we ask that you simply allow yourself to purge all the remnants that are no longer, positively serving you. Simply stated FORGIVE. LET GO. ALLOW.
Please remember dear ones that ALL or NONE can occur within your vessels and within your psyche, for only WHEN you are ready to proceed shall the energies begin to work with you. For those who are not yet ready, the energy will as if, be frozen in time, until such moment that they truly and fully are ready to embrace the eternal OM, the eternal truth, wisdom, understanding, love and light within their hearts.
We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Here are a few videos for you to expand your understanding of the message above:
Pleiades High Council – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –